Thursday, October 31, 2019

Managing Projects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing Projects - Essay Example The organizational structure for the new building is going to be exactly like the existing one, which comprises of: 1 Project Manager (myself); 1 Assistant Project Manager; 2 Administration Staff; 4 Sales staff; 3 Warehouse Staff; the transportation to and from the building will be contracted to an outside company. The recruitment of the staff will be conducted in a way that only serious and experienced professionals/employees will be finally accepted to become the member of the Computer Section’s team. The essence of this is to prevent a situation of redundancy often caused by unqualified personnel (Levine, 2002). Hence, hiring and coordinating with the appropriately qualified employees would make this project stay within budget and also make it to be successfully executed within any specified time frame. The life cycle of this business, that is, procuring and selling computers by Jones Ltd will be carried out within a year; and with the hope that the expenses on recruiting, management and employees’ motivation would not exceed the allotted budget for the project by the Chief Executive Officer of Jones Ltd. In order to achieve this, the following processes must be carefully executed. (a) Market Research: This is the very first step in all the procedures—it is essential to investigate the kinds of computers that are currently selling well in the markets (Morris & Pinto, 2007). It is also helpful to determine the cost of each computing unit, its functionalities, how useful is it in the market, and how many prospective buyers will be interested in a particular brand that Jones Ltd wishes to market? Or should the company concentrate on all the brands of computers. What sales strategy will be appropriate, and how could the employees be motivated to contribute their best in the project? All these issues will be seriously considered during the research process (Morris & Pinto, 2007). The market research will shed more light on

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Race Colors Judgement Essay Example for Free

Race Colors Judgement Essay The criminal justice system in the United States is one of the many places that I believe stereotypes are formed. For example, African-Americans make up only 13% of the U. S. population but represent 46% of the inmate population who have received sentences of more than one year (Hart, 2006, p. 1). Another example of a racial disparity can be seen the percentage of African-Americans who are drug users (14%) and those sentenced for drug offenses (53%) (Sentencing Project, 2009 p. 3). More African-American men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole then were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began,† (Alexander, 2010). However, this is not just a problem within the African-American community. More than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities and three-fourths of all persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color (www. sentencingproject. org). The Bureau of Justice Statistics shows, that the likelihood for an African-American or Hispanic to be imprisoned is, 18. % for African-Americans and 10% for Hispanics, while the likelihood for Whites is 3. 4% (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2005). Brennan and Spohn (2009) showed in their study, â€Å"The Joint Effects of Offender Race/Ethnicity and Sex on Sentence Length Decisions in Federal Courts†, that African-American males received a significantly longer sentence (93 months) than White males (86. 2 months) (Brennan Spohn, 2009). These are just some of the numbers, which cannot be ignored. An important question to ask; why are these racial disparities happening? In the study â€Å"White juror bias: An investigation of racial prejudice against Black defendants in the American courtroom†, Sommers Ellsworth (2001) have a quote, which, I think, sums up the reasoning for studying race and its effect on juries, it came from one of my favorite movies: â€Å"In our courts, when it is a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life†¦The one place where man ought to get a square deal is a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into the jury box† (From To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee, 1960, p. 20). The thinking by many social psychologists is â€Å"Racism still exists in our society today but is no longer endorsed by explicit racist beliefs or overt acts of prejudice† (Sommers Ellsworth, 2003). Instead it’s a â€Å"Subtle, implicit, or aversive form of racism† (Sommers Ellsworth, 2003). Whites in our society are taught to embrace egalitarianism (equality) and make a conscious effort to behave non-prejudice, or have non-bias beliefs. However, that does not mean that they still don’t harbor prejudicial attitudes. In a trial setting aversive racism and race salience, or racially charged vs. racially neutral, go hand and hand. Studies have concluded, a trial that is racially charged reminds jurors of their egalitarianism, but in a trial not racially charged a jurors’ motivation to avoid being prejudice is not triggered; instead they demonstrate their racial bias (Sommers Ellsworth, 2001). It is the run of the mill trials where juror biases are displayed. White jurors need to be â€Å"reminded† that they should not have a bias. By â€Å"reminding† them, by a racially motivated incident, jury voir dire, jury instructions before deliberation, and others, White jurors are less likely to demonstrate racial bias towards an African-American defendant. Jury composition or heterogeneity vs. homogeneity groups, is theorized to be a huge factor in overall group decision-making skills. This is especially important in the jury decision-making process and verdicts because minorities are underrepresented on a jury. Sommers’s study â€Å"Racial Diversity and Group Decision Making† (2006) concluded, a jury, which has heterogeneity, rather than homogeneity considers a wider range of perspectives and information (Sommers, 2006). It was the diversity of the group influence on the White juror more than the performance of the African-American juror in the group (Sommers, 2006). This is not to say that the African-American juror did not perform well. Since many juries are not racially diverse, Whites on a jury may forget their egalitarian values, may not consider a wider range of perspectives and information, and will spend less time on their decisions. In-group bias is when people show a strong preference for fellow in-group members and tend to malign out-group members (Sommers Ellsworth, 2000). Thomas Pettigrew, current Research Professor of Social Psychology at the University of California, in his 1979 study demonstrated that negative behaviors of in-group members were attributed to situational forces but negative behaviors of out-group members were attributed to inherent dispositions, which is the opposite from positive behavior attribution (Sommers Ellsworth, 2000). This is a particularly important theory because juries for criminal trials are taking in facts pertaining to the negative behavior of a defendant who is either from their in-group or out-group. Systematic information processing is conceptualized as â€Å"Comprehensive analytic orientation to inform processing in which perceivers access and scrutinize a great deal of information for its relevance to their judgment task† (Tamborini et al. , 2007) Heuristic processing is conceptualized as â€Å"A more limited mode of information processing that requires less cognitive effort and fewer cognitive resources than systematic processing† (Tamborini et al. , 2007) Simple stated, heuristic information processing are shortcuts using previous knowledge and stereotypes, which influences peoples’ judgments. During a trial, jurors take in enormous amounts of information and when deliberating they tend to fill in the missing information with past experiences or stereotypes about certain crimes and criminals. This is not their intention, however it is how people cognitively process information-we put information into or take it out of certain categories. There are three main research methods used to study race and its effects on juries (Sommers Ellsworth, 2003). Archival analysis of actual cases is ideal but there are a lot of confounding variables, which are hard to measure and control statistically (Sommers Ellsworth, 2003). Another method used is post-trial juror interviews. This method is useful because you are asking direct questions of the jurors, who were part of the real trials. However, it is time consuming, has a small sample size, and relies on self-reporting by jurors (which in unreliable) (Sommers Ellsworth, 2003). The third method is mock juror experiments, which relies on the experimental method of social psychology and allows the experimenters to control the confounding variables (Sommers Ellsworth, 2003). There are some downfalls to using mock juror experiments as well, such as using college students as participants, written trial summaries, instead of witnessing a real trial, and the decision made by mock jurors have no real consequences (Sommers Ellsworth, 2003). According to Sommers and Ellsworth (2003) it is best to use multiple methods. For example compare archival data to mock jury data. As I stated earlier, aversive racism and race salience (racially charged vs. racially neutral) in trials go hand and hand. Sommers and Ellsworth (both social psychologists) first studied race salience in their study, â€Å"Race in he Courtroom: Perceptions of Guilt and Dispositional Attributions† (2000). Since the theory of aversive racism (modern or subtle) states, Whites are more motivated to â€Å"appear† non-prejudice when racial issues are salient or prominent. They found that when a trial involves race salience the race of the defendant did not influence the White jurors (Sommers Ellsworth, 2000). However, when a trail did not have race salience, the African-American defendants were found to be more guilty, aggressive, and violent by the White juror then the White defendant. This could have a profound effect, since Whites are not caught up in the day to day of racial issues, they may not take notice to the most subliminal racial issues in a trial. It may cause them to revert back to the more overt form of racism without even consciously knowing they are being racist or displaying their biases. A more recent study, â€Å"Diversity and Fairness in the Jury System†, conducted for the Ministry of Justice Research Series, by Thomas and Blamer (2007) concluded when a trial is racially charged (race salience), conviction rates for African-American defendants were lower. However, the conviction rate between White jurors and African-American jurors for African-American defendants were no different (Thomas Balmer, 2007) (44% and 43%). In trials that were racially neutral, White jurors had low conviction rates for African-American defendants, while African-American jurors had high conviction rates for White defendants and low conviction rates for African-American defendants (Thomas Balmer, 2007). This was a very interesting finding because in the Sommers and Ellsworth studies (2000, 2001) African-American jurors showed leniency both in race salience and non-race salience trials. Thomas and Balmer (2007) point out that in the Sommers and Ellsworth study that jurors did not decide cases as part of a jury with any deliberations (Thomas Balmer, 2007). The results in the Thomas and Blamer study showed that individual jurors had difference conviction rates, but as a jury there was no difference between race salience and non-race salience trails (Thomas Blamer, 2007). None of the juries (there were 8 in all) in the Thomas and Blamer (2007) study convinced the White defendant, The juries in England and Wales where this study took place have the same makeup as juries in the United States, majority White (Thomas Balmer, 2007). That makes a nice segway into my next theory of jury composition because it appears that they dynamic of a racially mixed jury helped ensure individual biases were not allowed to dictate verdicts (Thomas Balmer, 2007). Justice Thurgood Marshall said, â€Å"Diverse juries enjoy wider ranging discussions because White and Black jurors bring different experiences and perspectives to the jury room† (Sommers, 2006). Not only do African-American jurors bring different experiences but also, as we saw in the Thomas and Balmer (2007) study a racially mixed jury might help to ensure individual biases are not allowed to dictate verdicts. Again, referring to a study by Sommers (the leading researcher in this field) in which he specifically studies â€Å"The multiple effects of racial composition on jury deliberations† (Sommers, 2006). Having African-Americans (or minorities in general) on a jury can bring two different types of diversity-deep-level diversity and surface-level diversity (Sommers, 2007). Both can affect information exchange in different ways. Deep-level diversity brings the expertise, attitudes, and values of the individual members to the deliberation room (Sommers, 2007). Surface-level diversity brings members’ demographics and social category membership into the deliberation room (Sommers, 2007). Sommers’ (2006) found diverse groups spent more time deliberating, made fewer factual errors, and if there was an error it was more likely to be corrected, more open-mindness, and less resistance to discussions of controversial race topics (Sommers, 2006). The homogenous jury was the opposite (Sommers, 2006). Those results showed the affect deep-level diversity could bring to a jury. However, another aspect, which will bring me back to the theory of aversive racism and race salience, is the affect having diversity has on a White juror. By having a racially diverse jury, the White jurors have the issue of race and egalitarian values in the forefront of their minds. The White jurors are avoiding seeming bias. Sommers et al. , (2008) conducted a study to see if there are â€Å"Cognitive effects of racial diversity in a group. † The study found that Whites in a diverse group process information more thoroughly. They had no interaction with a diverse group member, it was simply being aware of a diverse group composition, which impacted the cognition of White members. It even improved reading comprehension of race-relevant passages, especially when Whites expected to have race-relevant conversation. This is important in a legal context as well. If a White juror’s cognitive ability, and information processing is improved they will use systematic processing which is â€Å"A comprehensive, analytic orientation to information processing in which perceivers access and scrutinize a great deal of information for its relevance to their judgment task†, instead of heuristics processing or shortcuts in their decision making (Tamborini et al. 2007). The Supreme Court attempted to make juries more racially diverse â€Å"Batson prohibition against race-based peremptories was based on two assumptions: (1) a prospective juror’s race can bias a jury selection judgments; (2) requiring attorneys to justify suspicious peremptories enables judges to determine whether a challenge is, indeed, race-neutral† (Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U. S. 79 (1986). To summarize the findings, White jurors tend to show their bias towards African-American defendants when the trial is not racially charged because they are not motivated to conceal their bias (aversive racism and egalitarian views). In homogenous juries Whites are more like to be bias, spend less time on their decisions, make more errors, consider fewer perspectives, are not motivated to conceal their bias. Also, when there is information overload jurors use heuristics (shortcuts) to process information, rather than a systematic review of the information. Tis effect, of using shortcuts, produces bias judgment for both African-American jurors and White jurors. All the aforementioned could be cause for the bias decision making of jurors and juries. However, there are positives that can be found throughout these studies. For instance, racially diverse juries, and race salience trials can help alleviate the biases by jurors and juries. It also proves that not all White juries are affected by the race of a defendant (in certain situations). Race and its effect on jury decisions is a topic that will be studied for years to come because of the complex nature of a jury and modern racism. Although studies have shown bias decision-making by White jurors there is still not enough statistics to make a causal connection. Research has also shown ways in which a jury’s bias can be minimized. The jury is one of the backbones of the court system, because of this, it is imperative that we continue to study juror bias and how to minimize their bias through different trial techniques and policies and procedures.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Short Introduction To The Quran Religion Essay

A Short Introduction To The Quran Religion Essay Muslims regard Islam as a total ideology of life, and Al-Quran is the holy book consists of universal message for entire humanity. Its a source of life guidance, solution, healing and mercy for believers. Alif-Là ¢m-Rà ¢. A book which We have revealed unto you (O Muhammad SAW) in order that you might lead mankind out of darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light (of belief in the Oneness of Allah and Islamic Monotheism) by their Lords Leave to the Path of the All-Mighty, the Owner of all Praise. [Ibrahà ®m: 1] The Quran is an sources of wide range knowledge includes civilization, morals, social justice, administration, leadership, economics, spiritualism, marriage, family. This Book promotes personality development through parables and metaphors. We have indeed sent down (in this Quran) manifest Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, lawful and unlawful things, and the set boundries of Islamic religion, etc. that make things clear showing the Right Path of Allah). And Allah guides whom He wills to a Straight Path (i.e. to Allahs religion of Islamic Monotheism). [An-Nuur: 46] Indeed in their stories, there is a lesson for men of understanding. It (the Quran) is not a forged statement but a confirmation of that which was before it and a detailed explanation of everything and a guide and a mercy for the people who believe. [Yusuf: 111] The Holy Quran is a divine scripture that was revealed in the Arabic language over fourteen centuries ago. We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran, in order that ye may learn wisdom. [Yusuf:2] Do they not then consider the Quran carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradictions. [An-Niisa:82] Tawheed (Oneness of God) comes first, however the Quran use We which refers to God himself. It does not suggest plurality; rather it presents the highest status in the language. Arabic, Persia, English, Hebrew and many other languages use term We to address royal figure, highest status, and dignity. The Quran are evidently self-explanatory. Speaking of authenticity of the Quran, this book has presented its own answer and challenges to the unbelievers through several verses. Alif-Là ¢m-Rà ¢. These letters are one of the miracles of the Qurà ¢n, and none but Allà ¢h (Alone) knows their meanings. [Al-Hijr:1] Say: If the mankind and the jinns were together to produce the like of this Qurà ¢n, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another. [Al-Isrà ¢: 88] And if ye are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Sura like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true. [Al-Baqarah: 23] Or do they say: He (Muhammad SAW) has forged it? Say: Bring then a Sà »rah (chapter) like unto it, and call upon whomsoever you can, besides Allà ¢h, if you are truthful! [Yà »nus: 38] Or they say, He (Prophet Muhammad SAW) forged it (the Quran). Say: Bring you then ten forged Sà »rah (chapters) like unto it, and call whomsoever you can, other than Allà ¢h (to your help), if you speak the truth! [Hà »d: 13] During lifetime of Prophet (pbuh), the Idolators claim that the Quran was taught by a human, they referred to a foreign (i.e., non-Arab) man who lived among them as the servant of some of Quraysh clan who used to sell goods by As-Safa. They claim that possibly the Prophet (pbuh) used to sit with him sometimes and talk to him a little. However he was a foreigner who did not know much Arabic, only enough simple phrases to answer questions when he had to. So in refutation of their claims of fabrication, Allah said: And indeed We know that they (polytheists and pagans) say: It is only a human being who teaches him. The tongue of the man they refer to is foreign, while this (the Quran) is (in) a clear Arabic tongue. [An-Nahl: 103] In The Choice: Islam and Christianity Vol. 2 by Ahmad Deedat, the Arab Christians in the Middle East had a try to produce Quranic verse alike, not to be outsmart, launched -a sixteen-year project lately and generated selected portions of the New Testament in Arabic, with a large verses adopting of words and phrases word to word from the Arabic Quran. In this brassy plagiarism, every chapter of this new Arabic New Testament of theirs begin with the first verse of the Holy Quran In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. [Al-Fatiha: 1] None has been capable to produce Quranic alike, not even a single verse. Thousands people memorized the Quran during the lifetime of the Prophet (pbuh), then this memorization went across from teacher to student, from one nation to another, from generation after generation. Today there are over nine million Muslim living worldwide. Every single Muslim has memorized at least several parts of the Quran in the original Arabic that it was manifested in over fourteen centuries ago; word to word, and many who have completely memorized the entire Quran in Arabic, Prophet (pbuh) did fourteen centuries ago. Finally à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge. [Ar-Ruum: 22]

Friday, October 25, 2019

Happiness in Aldous Huxleys Brave New World Essays -- Brave New World

When we look to define happiness, many different ideas come to mind. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary uses three definitions for happiness: good fortune, a state of well being and contentment, and a pleasurable satisfaction. In Brave New World, Aldus Huxley argues that a society can redefine happiness through the government’s manipulation of the environment and the human mind itself. The government accomplishes this by mind conditioning throughout the process of maturing, keeping a caste-based society, and obliterating problems. The government thus defines happiness as the absence of all conflict. This differs from happiness as the American society sees it: the ability to pursue and enjoy individual desires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The conditioning of minds allows the government to impress its ideas upon maturing children. The process used is hypnopà ¦dia, or repetition of sayings during sleep. After many repetitions of one phrase, the idea is hardened within the human mind, proving most difficult to undo. Evidence of this method to provide artificial happiness surfaces in both Lenina and Bernard’s actions. Huxley states this coldly during Lenina’s trip home with Henry Foster, â€Å"‘What a hideous color khaki is,’ remarked Lenina, voicing the hypnopà ¦dic prejudices of her caste† (62). Khaki is a color worn by lower castes in the society and the higher castes are taught not to associate with them. Bernard’s hypnopà ¦dic lessons did not work as well as most. He sees everything in this artific...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Demand and Supply

Medical advances can range from witching over to Electronic Record keeping, to the use of Tell-health. The need for this is as diverse as the products and services themselves. One of the options that are currently available is home care. As the baby boomer population ages, the elderly population will increase the demand for home health services due to financial and emotional factors. The continuum or availability of home care programs will be greatly needed in the present years to come. Supply & Demand Factors Many factors contribute to the demand and supply of healthcare products and services.The concept of demand versus supply In home health care can never be testified. No one health care facility can meet all the demands of medical services. As individuals are living longer and hospital admittance costs seems to increase while providing quality care seems to decrease, consumers are seeking to manage chronic illnesses within the comfort of their own home. As the population ages we are seeing many Individuals coming down with diseases that are either not curable or that has ran Its' course In the body and there Is nothing that can be done to prolong life.Hospice care Is palliative care given to Individuals who are terminally Ill, with an expected survival of six months or less. This is when this type of service is needed and many of individuals, especially the minorities do not know that these services exist either because they contribute this to high cost service or think that it is not covered by their insurance. Another factor contributing to an increase in demand for home healthcare services are advances in medical technology which make it possible to manage conditions in a home setting that would previously have required hospitalizing or the services of a skilled nursing facility.Consumers have easy access to home care services, they have a choice among providers, and consumers are currently selecting he best service based upon a variety of options. The r ange of those Interested In from moderate to severe. The many options available range from skilled nursing, Occupational [physical therapy, rehabilitative [social services and personal ODL assistance can be provided at within the confines on one's home. Home health care helps prevent the need for higher-cost care. Home health care helps prevent the need for higher-cost care.Hospitals can reduce the cost and save on providing medical treatment and equipment items such as; medical professionals' time, disposable syringes, catheters, and dressing changes and other supplies to treat the attain. â€Å"The problem in healthcare is that the consumer often pays little or nothing for services, despite the current reality of deductibles and co-payments. When this is the case, price stops being a factor in demand and demand increases to virtually unlimited levels† (Salesman, 2009, p. L).Economic Cost Nationally, the median hourly cost for homemaker services and home health aide services is $18 and $19, skilled nursing $40, TO & APT $65-$75; administrators, $32, directors $38. Nationally the median annual cost for care in an assisted living facility by comparison, is $39,600. Nationally, Private nursing homes medium annual sectional cost, over the past five years, rose 4. 3 percent annually to $81 ,030. While the average home-care visit costs Medicare $150 per visit. The average hospital stay costs Medicare $1500.Medicare expenditures in 2008 totaled $324 billion, slightly more than 2. 2% of gross domestic product (GAP). Medicare home health covers about 3. 3 million beneficiaries resulting in $16. 5 billion in total Medicare payments in 2008 (SMS, Data Compendium, 2009). Access and Supply Consumers have easy access to home care services, they have a choice among providers, and consumers are currently selecting the best service based upon a rarity of options. The range of those interested in home care is vast. Depending upon the situation, the need for services can range from moderate to severe.The many services that are available range from skilled nursing, Occupational [physical therapy, rehabilitative [social services and personal ODL assistance. Other services consist of transportation, medical equipment such as diagnostic and incontinence supplies, diapers, gloves, bed covers, commodes, wheel chairs, lifts, meal programs, etc. , can be provided all within the confines on one's home. Home health care helps prevent the need for higher-cost care. Most insurance's, such as Medicare and Medicaid, cover the costs of many home care services.Consumers can seek out services through the referral of a Physicians approval. Once approved, consumers can begin to enjoy the many services available to help themselves regain independence of their physical abilities. Services will last until consumer is able to remain in a residence with assistance of primary caregiver/support from community agencies. Conclusion The United States aging population will requ ire a lot more out of health care services than ever before, this is mainly due to the longer life span of the elderly with heroic illnesses. According to the U.S. Administration on Aging, by 2030 the number of Americans aged 65 and older will more than double to 71 million, that's roughly 20 percent of the U. S. Population. In some states, as much as a quarter of the population will be aged 65 and older. Being that health care is on the verge of change, the certainty that these services will still exist in the near future remains order to fulfill the demand of elderly services the supply of home care organizations needs to expand to accommodate physical emotional and financial factors of these nonusers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sample Answer Ccts by Miss Emy Jong

National level public examinations such as the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) and Sijil Pelajaran Tinggi Malaysia (STPM) have always generated a lot of interest among the general public as they are essential for entrance into universities and also to enter into the work market. In the recent few years, attention has been drawn to the phenomenon of students getting up to 20 As in the SPM examinations and this has been a source of contention especially with regards to scholarship allocation and university placements. The government then has been mulling a decision to set a limit on the maximum number of subjects a candidate may sit for as a way to simplify the selection process into tertiary studies. The writer of this article, Dr. I. Lourdesamy of the Pacific Institute Technology in Petaling Jaya offers his views on this development and the article is aptly titled â€Å"SPM Subjects: Let students make the choice. Basically, the writer is of the opinion that setting a cap on the number of subjects a student may sit for does not address the real issue of suitable selection criteria into tertiary education, and he goes on to suggest how we may best tackle the issue by giving his recommendations as well as what he feels the goal of education should be. The writer proposes that we should not limit the number of subjects SPM students can sit for, and instead students can be evaluated on the basis of their performance in subjects directly related to the proposed field of study. He is disagreeable to limiting students’ opportunity to learn, and feels that the students should be allowed to decide on their own goals based on their capacity and aptitude. He also suggests that schools offer a range of elective subjects to cater to different student interests. Furthermore, the writer opines that most students have too much free time and actually should be encouraged to do more. Finally, the writer addresses the primary objective of education – to provide opportunity for its students to maximize their learning potential. Personally, I find the writer’s argument of not limiting the number of subjects for SPM students to be reasonable and logical. As he said earlier, if the concern is the assessment process for scholarships and places in universities then what we need is a clear and comprehensive guideline on the selection criteria for the various disciplines in tertiary education. Actually, the practice of taking into account only subjects which are directly relevant to the proposed field of study has long been practiced and limiting the number of subjects would not help in any way to determine which students are more deserving of university placements or scholarships. What students need to be made aware of is that they need to prepare for their desired field of study by taking relevant subjects which would be necessary in the selection process. The author’s arguments on allowing students to decide on their own goals based on their capacity and aptitude, besides having schools offering elective subjects are indeed good suggestions. Having gone through the path of being a student myself, I strongly feel that if students are given more say in what they are studying, it will make them more motivated and keen to learn. They can also be challenged appropriately, and the scenario of having students being bored (because the syllabus is too easy or uninteresting) or not being able to follow lessons (because they are too weak) will be greatly reduced. However, the implementation of such suggestions may be very difficult as a lot of resources will need to be made available to schools and students. We would have to first have a large enough pool of competent teachers to teach students these various subjects at all levels of difficulty, and sorting out the logistics such as allocation of classrooms and time-tabling could also prove very challenging. Students’ use of their free time was also one of the points raised in the article. The author obviously feels that students could be more productive and that they do not have much to do. While there may be some truth to his argument, I think that it is not fair to generalize and say that all students are too free and should be asked to do more. How much time a student actually spends on his studies and other worthwhile activities differs greatly from one student to another. It really depends on the individual’s motivation and goals. Some students who are already pushing themselves very hard should actually be taught to relax and have more balance in their life. Therefore, this argument shows the author’s bias towards students nowadays and he should give more careful thought to this before making such conclusions.

KOZLOWSKI Surname Meaning and Origin

KOZLOWSKI Surname Meaning and Origin The Polish surname Kozlowski is generally considered to be a geographical surname, bestowed upon an individual originally from a place named Kozlow, Kozlowo, or something similar, from the root koziol, meaning he-goat. KozÅ‚owski is the 12th most common surname in Poland. KozÅ‚owska, the  feminine version of the surname, is the 12th most common surname among females. Surname Origin:  Polish Alternate Surname Spellings: KOZLOWSKI, KOZLOWICZ, KOZLOWICZ, KOZLOW, KOZLOW, KOZLOWSKA Where do People With the Surname KOZLOWSKI Live? According to WorldNames publicprofiler, individuals with the Kozlowski last name are found in the greatest numbers in Poland, followed by the United States, Australia and Germany The greatest concentration of individuals named Kozlowski are found in northern and central Poland, especially the voivodeships (provinces)  of Podlaski, Warminsko-Marzurskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Mazowieckie and Wielkopolskie.  The Polish-specific surname distribution map on calculates the population distribution of surnames down to the district level, identifying over 34,000 people with the Kozlowski surname living in Poland, with the majority found in Ã… Ãƒ ³dÃ… º, followed by Bialystok, PoznaÅ„, WrocÅ‚aw, GdaÅ„sk, Bydgoszcz, Krakà ³w and Szczecin. Famous People With the Surname KOZLOWSKI Leon KozÅ‚owski: Polish archaeologist and politician; Prime Minister of Poland 1934–1935Maciej Kozlowski: Polish actorGlen Kozlowski: former NFL wide receiver for the Chicago Bears Genealogy Resources for the Surname KOZLOWSKI Kozlowski Family Genealogy Forum: Search this popular genealogy forum for the Kozlowski surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Kozlowski surname query.FamilySearch - KOZLOWSKI Genealogy: Access over 144,000 free historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Kozlowski surname and its variations on this free genealogy website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.Polish Genealogy Databases Online: Search for information on Kozlowski ancestors in this collection of Polish genealogy databases and indexes from Poland, the United States and other countries. Resources and Further Reading Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967.Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2005.Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia.  Bergenfield, NJ:  Avotaynu, 2004.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003.Hoffman, William F. Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings.  Chicago:  Polish Genealogical Society, 1993.Rymut, Kazimierz. Nazwiska Polakow.  Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich - Wydawnictwo, 1991.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Google Documents - Add ons for Math

Google Documents - Add ons for Math For users that have harnessed the power of Google documents and a variety of tools that can be added to up the user experience,  here are some math tools you might find very useful. Calculator It is handy to have a calculator at your grasp for those times when you need to perform simple functions in the midst of a document. No need to bounce between windows or open a spreadsheet for this;  simply install a calculator from one of the many choices like the Calculator app from the Calculator Add on menu.  Handy and accurate - this works! Formula Editor Add this powerhouse to the sidebar of the document and you can type complex formulas for insertion with amazing ease. To quote the app: Formulas can be created either using the mathematics input box or by typing in their LaTeX representation. The result is then rendered as an image and inserted into your document. If you have ever tried to create formulas and their distinct format in a text document, you will appreciate a tool like this. Graphing Calculator Add-On (Such as Whizkids CAS) This add-on can: Solve equations and plot graphs.Find numerical and exact solutions.Simplify and factorize expressions with variables.Drag and drop results and graphs from the sidebar in Google Docs. Best of all, it does what it says it can do! g(Math) If you need the Quadratic formula, this is the tool to use. Complex equations, custom characters, and geometric signs can be used. You can link to data tables that are already in the document. Even the Speech to Math in Chrome can be accessed to create expressions. MathType   Sometimes all you need is the ability to form math ideas in the proper language and format. MathType can handle this fast and smoothly. This tool can also be used in the Google Sheets app so flexibility is at your fingertips.   As Google and the Google applications continue to gain acceptance in user circles, more and more innovative and useful math add-ons will arrive. Dont settle for less than what you need. Look around, as new solutions are coming every day​

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Role Of The Federal And Provincial Governments In Compliance With Essay

The Role Of The Federal And Provincial Governments In Compliance With Kyoto Protocol While Increasing Oil Gains In Alberta - Essay Example Over the past century, man-made emissions have increased markedly and the vast majority of scientist, in a growing volume of established studies, have concluded that the earth's climate is changing rapidly due to the alarming amount of green house gases released into the atmosphere as a result of human activitiesiv. The gases that are categorized as Green House Gases include: carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbon, hydroflourocarbons and tetraflouromethane. Of these gases, carbon dioxide is the most prevalent and appears to carry the largest chunk of green house gases emitted by human activities. Scientist have demonstrated that these gases accumulate in the atmosphere, and that in large concentrations, they are capable of trapping heat within the earth's surface and in the process, overriding the planet's natural climatic variability resulting in irreversible climatic changev. This essay therefore intends to look at the problem of green house gas emission as it affects Canada's oil production, especially in the Alberta oil sands. The paper will specifically analyze how the federal and provincial governments are working towards solving this problem, with respect to the moral and legal obligations imposed on the country through the ratification of the Kyoto protocol and the competing interests of oil companies. The federal and provincial government, though sincere about attaining the emission reduction targets set by Kyoto, do not want to compromise the wealth that accrues from the Alberta oil production. In essence, though emission reduction is gradually being achieved through the several policies and programs, the oil companies are still allowed to increase their green house gas emission, accounting for this through the purchase of emission permits, either domestically or through international alliances. From this, it can be inferred that the oil companies are willing to cooperate with the government in achieving emissions reduction, as long as it does not impact negatively on their profits. This essay will demonstrate the tensions and compromises made between the governments and oil companies in their attempts to satisfy both economic and environmental concerns. In doing so, the first part of the essay shall take a look at the idea of ecological modernization

Friday, October 18, 2019

Literature Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Literature Review - Essay Example The process design of a manufacturing system is critical and may need minimal errors for proper execution. Simulation plays a significant role in the manufacturing that would ensure that production flow is well facilitated. Simulations are usually conducted using lesser expenses, resources and time rather than just experimenting to develop uncontrolled designs. This is essential in avoiding carrying out experiments with the real system that can lead to substantial wastage. The results that are obtained from the model can be used as guidance after thorough analysis. The results obtained from the modelling are also significant in informing the changes that are seen in various manufacturing processes. The capital expenditures and system constraints can also be controlled as a result of the implementation of the simulation process (Nutaro et al. 2008, p.98). Simulation models address various issues concerning the manufacturing industry. Some of the most basic issues that are addressed through the use of models include the need to have the appropriate quantity, the right number of employees, performance evaluation, operation procedures and equipment usage. All competitive organisations need to work hard to ensure that they maintain their customers and win the hearts of new customers. They need to understand their product designs and how to make the products to their customers. This is because the products are found in the real world and the customers need the best experience they can get to enjoy the products they acquire from firms. There are a number of challenges and barriers that are associated with the implementation of simulation in firms (Nutaro 2013, p.38). Lack of experts to develop simulation models is a challenge for most firms. It is so because the development of models is always associated with experts who are well trained in simulation and modelling. It is only very large organisations that are capable of paying the services

Research in Sensys and competitor analysis Essay - 1

Research in Sensys and competitor analysis - Essay Example al Travel Time Solution which is â€Å"the first solution to overcome these complications (on arterial roadways) and deliver dependable arterial travel time and volume data while not presenting any privacy concerns† (Sensys Networks, Inc. ). Sensys Networkc Inc is located at 2560 Ninth Street, Suite 219 Berkeley, CA 94710. The company provides contacts to their different departments such as a dealer, a human resource representatives, sales representatives and technical support representatives. Because the nature of the business’ products are so new and innovative, there are not a great deal of competitors in this marketplace. One major competitor is the Southwest Research Institute, who is involved in developing, implementation, and maintenance of similar traffic-related technologies, such as their Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). This research institute has been developing ITS technologies and other support systems since 1992, giving them somewhat of a competitive edge when it comes to development of such innovative software. This represents a threat to Sensys Networks, as with the growth of federal interest in the deployment of ITS software, Sensys Networks must develop more quality marketing to make their own ITS products and other traffic-related software systems more competitive in pricing and in offering support and maintenance of these systems. The Intelligent Transport Systems Society is composed of those that utilize â€Å"synergistic technologies and systems engineering concepts to develop and improve transportation systems of all kinds† ( Intelligent Transportation Systems Society). The ITSS works hand in hand with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Together with IEEE, ITSS sponsors conferences and symposium on electrical and electronics engineering and information technologies. Apparently, the ITS-IEEE partnership is still on the rise as they continuously sponsor conferences until 2009. The IEEE is also considered

The Effect of Indian Reforms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The Effect of Indian Reforms - Essay Example The Global impact of this change can be assessed from the fact that the Indian economy is now attracting FDI at an increasing speed and it is offering support to world economies through its purchasing power parity and huge market. The reforms have however not yet benefited the entire population and in the interim, the poor-rich inequalities have increased and need to be attended to with speed. Also, the neglected agricultural sector needs to be reformed as well to give a balance to the reform process and the economy at large. It has been concluded that the economy has certainly improved since the reforms were initiated. The days of imperialism and colonialism are pat and in this new age of globalization, the world has veered to the view that all economies are interdependent and that failure of one would have deep repercussion over the rest. This has brought about a spate of reforms that are suggested or forced upon ailing economies, in the overall interest of the world economy. Theoretically, the choice has been, initiated and led by International Financial Institutions, of a big bang and shock therapy. But this formula is applicable in authoritarian regimes that force them on their economies and countries. The other approach, one that has not been largely favored, is gradual and incremental. This has always been looked upon as slow, unwieldy and risky inasmuch that its decisions can be reversed quickly towards status quo on the first signs of failure or strain. India, however, chose the latter method and spread its reforms and the liberalization and globalization process to stretch over almost two decades. In the sixties, it was unimaginable that from a net importer of food, India could become an occasional exporter about forty years later. Similarly, a receiver of foreign aid became a donor, even if a small one. And, foreign exchange, once the great constraint, would eventually become plentiful.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managed crisis public relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managed crisis public relations - Essay Example audiences for this plan include the government, customers, employees, stakeholders, the media, regulatory bodies, the affected passenger and his family, as well as the national public. The crisis communications plan seeks to deliver a specific message to each of the above audiences. The plan seeks to reassure the audience of the company’s commitment to working on resolving the issue of promoting the safety of passengers and providing them with remarkable transportation services. The company will rely on the principle of prompt communication as well as providing constant updates concerning the situation. The company seeks to reassure the government, its customers, and the public of its commitment to promoting high levels of safety. The company will also update the public on the progress of the affected passenger and the measures taken to compensate him. The spokesperson will exhibit high levels of confidence and remain accurate concerning the incident to ensure that the public does not have speculations. The company will rely on different forms of media to communicate effectively. There is a salient need for the company to identify a crisis communications team that will take charge of all the communication processes concerning the recent event. The formation of the crisis communications team should take place with immediate effect because there is an urgent need to provide the government, our customers, as well as the public with information. Crisis communications team should identify a reliable spokesperson and develop a communications policy that all the members of the staff must obey. The crisis communications team will exhibit immediate response by notifying the management team of the company concerning the recent incident. Moreover, the team will develop proper media alerts and call for a press conference that will allow the identified spokesperson to give detailed information to the public and the government. The crisis communications team will review the

Conference Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Conference Diplomacy - Essay Example In layman's term, diplomacy can be defined as the friendly way of kissing and making up whenever two countries have disputes in order to avoid the perils of war. The following paragraphs explains the nuances of conference diplomacy and its relations to negotiators' values or perceptions (Hughes,2002 : p.173) Conference diplomacy is a necessary action for international peace to prosper(Richardson, 1995: p. 205). War lives in the hearts of traditional paradigms. No one can forget the horrors of Hitler's German Army that had murdered many Jews in its concentration camp(Kaplan, 1998: p. 145). No one can also forget the long Great Britain war against the invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte of France. Had Diplomacy been used, there would have been peace pervading the air in these European Countries. Many well known figures were recognized for their diplomacy to use peace actions in the pursuit of their individual and community goals while others specifically wage war to impose their beliefs and traditions. Some of these peace diplomats are the charismatic and personalities like Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ and Mahatma Gandhi. All these three renounced the use of war or force and instead preached that diplomacy was the best way to win an argument or misunderstanding. Also, the North Korean - United States nuclear diplomatic talks prove that conference diplomacy may facilitate negotiation for it did not change negotiators' values or perceptions. North Korea used its nuclear reactor facilities in Yongbyon as one of its ace cards to force the United States to provide security assurances and political and economic ties to North Korea. But for three years, the U.S. did now WANT to engage itself in an on-going diplomatic give and take with North Korea. The U.S. wanted North Korea to comply with It first insisted I.A.E.A conditions as before talks could begin. During the U.S. -North Korea Talks, the U.S. did not want to state what it would give in return for North Korea's dismantling its nuclear weapons. Furthermore, when the U.S. and North Korea talks concluded with conditions imposed on the U.S. and North Korea, the U.S. did not comply with their diplomatic agreements. The U.S. stated that its compliance was dependent on other nations to fulfill them . Furthermore, North Korea's volatile and ever- changing government leadership was one of the causes of their failed diplomatic agreements. To help, Seoul, South Korea supplied the lubricant needed to keep the U.S. North Korea nuclear talks open(Sigal, 1998: p.168).Furthermore, many diplomacy- inclined persons think that with a world that cannot be changed, many reasonable persons adapt and accommodate these unavoidable changes(Watson, 1991: p. 40). These people decided to group together in diplomacy to make peace a reality. After many years of war against each other such as World War I and World War II. The first steering committee met to agree on a global action to prevent war, This is an international coalition to abolish armed conflict and genocide. They predicted that diplomacy among nations can result to gradual dismantling of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Their diplomacy centers on removing all capacity to attack another country(De-Magalhes, 1988, p. 101). In fact, global

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Effect of Indian Reforms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The Effect of Indian Reforms - Essay Example The Global impact of this change can be assessed from the fact that the Indian economy is now attracting FDI at an increasing speed and it is offering support to world economies through its purchasing power parity and huge market. The reforms have however not yet benefited the entire population and in the interim, the poor-rich inequalities have increased and need to be attended to with speed. Also, the neglected agricultural sector needs to be reformed as well to give a balance to the reform process and the economy at large. It has been concluded that the economy has certainly improved since the reforms were initiated. The days of imperialism and colonialism are pat and in this new age of globalization, the world has veered to the view that all economies are interdependent and that failure of one would have deep repercussion over the rest. This has brought about a spate of reforms that are suggested or forced upon ailing economies, in the overall interest of the world economy. Theoretically, the choice has been, initiated and led by International Financial Institutions, of a big bang and shock therapy. But this formula is applicable in authoritarian regimes that force them on their economies and countries. The other approach, one that has not been largely favored, is gradual and incremental. This has always been looked upon as slow, unwieldy and risky inasmuch that its decisions can be reversed quickly towards status quo on the first signs of failure or strain. India, however, chose the latter method and spread its reforms and the liberalization and globalization process to stretch over almost two decades. In the sixties, it was unimaginable that from a net importer of food, India could become an occasional exporter about forty years later. Similarly, a receiver of foreign aid became a donor, even if a small one. And, foreign exchange, once the great constraint, would eventually become plentiful.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Conference Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Conference Diplomacy - Essay Example In layman's term, diplomacy can be defined as the friendly way of kissing and making up whenever two countries have disputes in order to avoid the perils of war. The following paragraphs explains the nuances of conference diplomacy and its relations to negotiators' values or perceptions (Hughes,2002 : p.173) Conference diplomacy is a necessary action for international peace to prosper(Richardson, 1995: p. 205). War lives in the hearts of traditional paradigms. No one can forget the horrors of Hitler's German Army that had murdered many Jews in its concentration camp(Kaplan, 1998: p. 145). No one can also forget the long Great Britain war against the invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte of France. Had Diplomacy been used, there would have been peace pervading the air in these European Countries. Many well known figures were recognized for their diplomacy to use peace actions in the pursuit of their individual and community goals while others specifically wage war to impose their beliefs and traditions. Some of these peace diplomats are the charismatic and personalities like Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ and Mahatma Gandhi. All these three renounced the use of war or force and instead preached that diplomacy was the best way to win an argument or misunderstanding. Also, the North Korean - United States nuclear diplomatic talks prove that conference diplomacy may facilitate negotiation for it did not change negotiators' values or perceptions. North Korea used its nuclear reactor facilities in Yongbyon as one of its ace cards to force the United States to provide security assurances and political and economic ties to North Korea. But for three years, the U.S. did now WANT to engage itself in an on-going diplomatic give and take with North Korea. The U.S. wanted North Korea to comply with It first insisted I.A.E.A conditions as before talks could begin. During the U.S. -North Korea Talks, the U.S. did not want to state what it would give in return for North Korea's dismantling its nuclear weapons. Furthermore, when the U.S. and North Korea talks concluded with conditions imposed on the U.S. and North Korea, the U.S. did not comply with their diplomatic agreements. The U.S. stated that its compliance was dependent on other nations to fulfill them . Furthermore, North Korea's volatile and ever- changing government leadership was one of the causes of their failed diplomatic agreements. To help, Seoul, South Korea supplied the lubricant needed to keep the U.S. North Korea nuclear talks open(Sigal, 1998: p.168).Furthermore, many diplomacy- inclined persons think that with a world that cannot be changed, many reasonable persons adapt and accommodate these unavoidable changes(Watson, 1991: p. 40). These people decided to group together in diplomacy to make peace a reality. After many years of war against each other such as World War I and World War II. The first steering committee met to agree on a global action to prevent war, This is an international coalition to abolish armed conflict and genocide. They predicted that diplomacy among nations can result to gradual dismantling of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Their diplomacy centers on removing all capacity to attack another country(De-Magalhes, 1988, p. 101). In fact, global

Eom Draft Essay Example for Free

Eom Draft Essay Although many practices such as resale and consignment of clothing are not widely known in Singapore, they are possible practices that could be adapted and promoted in our culture as an alternative to recycling clothing, making it relevant to our project. The concept of the consignment boutique is for shoppers to â€Å"wear the outfit once, bring it in, get money back and continue their shopping habit†. This encourages the idea of reuse of clothing but keeps the clothing in a fixed circuit, being recycled in the same boutique. Instead, these shops can expand their networks or probably work together with other resale shops and reach out to more buyers and sellers, providing them with a bigger variety as well. Although when reselling it to the different boutiques, varying offers may be made by different boutique owners. These boutiques may standardize the prices to offer according to the number of days from which it was purchased, which will be recorded in a computer system assessable to the owners in the network. The article claims that â€Å"people don’t have a stigma against buying used clothes anymore† but I disagree. In Singapore, many second-hand clothing stalls are not popularly purchased from, due to the social stigma that used clothes are old, unwanted and unhygienic which is usually reflected through how the shops are usually disorganized, unlike those mentioned in the article where ‘the racks aren’t overcrowded’ and the store has a ‘boutique feel’ which appeals to the target demographic. Thrift shops in Singapore could be mirrored to have organized racks for different clothing articles and trends and could hire youth volunteers who would communicate better with the shoppers. This would increase the appeal for used clothing and possibly change the perspective on used clothing. In a consignment, the owners are able to ‘chose what [they] want’ to purchase. This may be unreflective of what the rest of the consumers want. Also, when they are willing to purchase it, the seller may be unhappy with the price of the offer. Therefore, instead of having the retailer as the middle-man, events where people can swap or sell their clothing would be more effective as buyers are able to chose what they want while sellers can name their own prices according to their perceived value for it or allow others to bargain for cheaper prices. The article states that consumers want good deals and are ‘growing tired of mass produced clothing’ therefore resale shops targets the ‘vintage aspect’ to set themselves apart. I agree with this statement as mass produced clothing are widely seen around the market and loses its originality and one-of-a-kind concept which customers define unique. Consumers would be willing to pay slightly more if the article of clothing is not commonly or easily found. Furthermore, the vintage aspect suites current clothing trends and would appeal to the target group of teenagers well. There is also a small number of male shoppers visiting or purchasing from consignment and resale boutiques, possibly because resale boutiques may not appeal to the male demographic widely, as they may come across as more female-centric and may not be as widely known. As the article mentions that the location affects the target demographic, these boutiques can be relocated or expanded to places in the urban areas which have many other male clothing outlets in order to boost its image as a boutique for male clothing as well and attract more male shoppers.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Virtual 3D Thermal Human Modelling

Virtual 3D Thermal Human Modelling In recent years, with the revolutionary changes and remarkable innovations on functional and intelligent materials, a growing trend on functional and smart wearable products have been introduced and accepted by the market. Clothing is one of the most common branches. For some fit or tight fit functional clothing, more design elements on human anatomy, physiology, pathophysiologic and biomechanics have been undertaken by them to enhance the special functions such as body protection, recovery, rehabilitation, treatment, shaping and performance enhancement. Mannequins, as one of the efficient design tools, also known as human model, are frequently-used by fashion designers, patternmakers and manufacturers, which equip them with tangible or virtual 3D model. Besides, digital 3D human models are increasingly adopted to enhance the efficiency and sustainability in these human centred disciples. Geometry human model (G-model) presents the basic dimensional information of human body. In front of these new revolutions on design and technology trends, the traditional G-model may not respond well to the emerging new requirements on design and manufacturing progress of functional clothing. The digital human body applied to fashion and functional design and manufacturing need be endued with more efficient information of the human body. There is a necessity toward launching functional human model, as an accelerating, enhancing and inspiring tool for fashionable and functional product design, especially for functional clothing design. Body temperature is a vital feature of human beings, which indicates the comfort and health status of the human body. As a heat transfer system, human body requires well-balanced thermoregulatory control loop. Clothing is often regarded as the second skin of the human body which can fulfil the functions of balancing the heat and moisture conditions and thus provide thermal comfort. Besides, problems like sub-health and ageing population gradually attract more attentions on healthcare. Due to the significant importance of body temperature in indicating the pathophysiologic features of the human body as emphasized by medical researchers in clinic, functional clothing with thermal functions like rehabilitation and treatment will be a meaningful, practical and innovative functional product to take care of the human body, like a special wearable medicine. Science and technology are changing the life of the human beings. Unquestionably, functional and smart products are the ongoing trend for the future. The thinking of the insiders, like researchers, designers or product developers, must be progressive with the tidal current of advances in science and technology. To develop thermal related functional products, a visualised and quantified human model is essential and prerequisite. Without accurate and reliable thermal information revealing the inside secrets of the human body, the process of functional product development is like that a blind man feels an elephant. Aworkmanmustsharpenhistoolsifheis to dohisworkwell.There is a knowledge gap and a tool absence for accurate and visualised functional design and manufacturing. To launch the thermal human modelling (T-model) is a far-sighted and necessary step. With the rapid developments of medical imaging and anthropometric technology, 3D body scanning and 2D Infrared thermography (IRT) provide relatively accurate and visible information of the human body, which help to further understand human body from physical, physiological and pathophysiologic aspects. 3D body scanners, as instruments to capture the whole body and create a set of dimensionally accurate data, are widely used in many areas, such as human modelling and human-centred product development in fashion industry. IRT has been used as an effective and non-invasive medical diagnosis tool, which helps to monitor the skin temperature distribution and evaluate the health conditions of the human body in an ocular way. These two facilities lay a solid foundation for the practicability of thermal human modelling. 1.2 Aims and objectives According to the knowledge gap and the tool absence for accurate and visualised functional design and manufacturing, besides the practicability based on the increasingly advanced medical imaging and anthropometric technology, five major aims and objectives of the research had been set up as shown from a to e. An in-depth discovery of the potential relationship among physically anthropometric parameters and physiological properties like body temperatures. A systematic approach on constructing visualised, quantified and individualized 3D thermal human modelling (Ti-model) with physiological features. A systematic approach on constructing visualised, quantified and individualized 3D thermal human modelling (Ti-model) with pathophysiologic features. Averaged 2D thermal images to be comparable with individual's IR images to detect the invisible abnormity of individuals for healthcare and diseases monitoring. 3D thermal human modelling (Ta-model) to be comparable with Ti-model to detect the invisible abnormity of individuals for healthcare and diseases monitoring. 1.3 The significances of the research This study will provide brand new and far-sighted solutions for the accurate accomplishment of functional products development, in special for functional clothing, with quantified and visualised T-models. The multi-disciplinary research broadens the field of vision for the human being and presenting the connections of physical, physiological and pathophysiologic features from aspects of statistics, 2D and 3D. The significances of the research are to be made in two aspects. For theoretical foundation, this research will built up a linkage between physical and physiological features of the human being which can awake the thinking on further quantitative between them and providing advisable index in functional design application. Besides, this study will advance the knowledge on the commonality of the skin temperature distributions of the human beings, which have great meaning for physiological study, clinic diagnose and ergonomic design applications. For individual applications, this new model can be applied to functional product development. Especially for functional clothing developers, they will be able to do 3D functional design, 3D pattern making and virtual fitting in an accurate, efficient and traceable way. In the times of 3D printing technology, it is an indispensable tool and platform for the antecedent parties in healthcare areas. 1.4 Research methodology A multidisciplinary methodology crossover thermal physiology, medical diagnose, computer graphics, ergonomics and functional design is adopted to accomplish the aims and objective of the study. The medical imaging and anthropometry technology help to acquire physical and physiological data of the human body from individual experiments. From the viewpoint of statistics, 2D and 3D dimensions, generalization and individual approaches on human thermal properties are to be analysed by means of statistical software, mathematical programming software and 3D design software. 1.5 Thesis organization This study has been conducted in the background stated above. The overall organization of this thesis is shown in Figure 1-1. Chapter 1 is the general introduction of the whole thesis including the background the research, aim and objectives of the research, significances of the research and research methodology. Chapter 2 is the theoretical foundation of the whole thesis including the literature review on two emphasized and carried out research areas, human thermal function and clothing, and 3D human model applied to Computer Aided Design in fashion industry. Chapter 3 introduced the research methodology of this study. The developments of medical imaging and anthropometry technology, an in-depth and specific foundation had been taken to further understanding human body in physical and physiological aspects. The computer graphic technology provided dependable software and tools to achieve the desired research aims and complete the interdisciplinary research. The employment of the data acquired from the individual experiments were introduced in Chapter 4,5 and 6 which constitute a systematic understanding platform of the human body from the viewpoint of statistics, 2D and 3D dimensions, universality and individuality on thermal properties. In Chapter 4, statistic analysis by means of correlation analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were conducted to find out the relationship among anthropometric parameters and body temperatures, which built up quantified connections of physical and physiological features of the human beings. Individualized thermal human modelling methods and results were introduced in Chapter 5. In this chapter, systematic introductions and illustrations were presented step by step on how to construct a Ti-model with physiological and pathophysiologic features. The first step was to pre-process the 3D body scanning data including data alignment, data cleaning and component selections. Simultaneously, skin temperature data sets were pre-processed by plotting into 2D thermal images with physiological or pathophysiologic features by mathematical programming. The last step was thermal model construction. The 2D thermal images with physiological or pathophysiologic features were projected to 3D human body and the corresponding Ti-model with physiological or pathophysiologic features was created. This chapter was to quantify and visualise the invisible body code conveyed by the skin temperatures in the aspect of three-dimension and individualization. Chapter 6 introduced the studies on distribution regularity of skin temperature from two dimensions with averaged IR images and its application on three-dimensional thermal human modelling (Ta-model). In the programming environment of Matlab software, mathematical calculation and anatomical landmarks of the human body were combined to find out the regularity of skin temperatures distributions of the human beings. The mapping process from 2D IR images to 3D individual G-model created Ta-model. The examples of comparing with individual's IR images and Ti-model had been presented, which helped to detect the invisible individual differences for healthcare and diseases monitoring. This research progress bridges over the gap between science research and technology applications on thermal studies with quantified and visualised methods. Chapter 7 were the conclusions of the works and the suggestions for future research work were brought forward. Bibliography and Appendix I to V for previous chapters were sequentially attached behind Chapter 7.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Petrified Petrarch Essay -- Petrarchian Sonnet Essays

Petrified Petrarch Two hundred years had passed between the sonnets of Petrarch and the reign of Queen Elizabeth. As a form and structure for poetic life, the sonnet had grown hard. Fourteen lines of rhymed iambic pentameter remained pregnant with possibilities and vitality, but must the sense turn after the octave and resolve in the sestet? Love remained in some ways inexpressible without this basic verse form, but something wasn’t right. Too many rose red lips and too much snow white skin belonging to unattainable lovers did not communicate the prevailing amorous imagination. The conventions were a little too conventional. The metaphors were gone somewhat stale. The Reformation had intervened between the Italian Renaissance and her English counterpart. The Petrarchan sonnet was informed by a Catholic Christianity that adored virginity. Thus it was the longing for the unattainable that raised the lover closer to God. The Elizabethan sonnet in many cases reflected the Protestant’s high view of married love, the consummation of which was the metaphor for the relationship between Christ and His Church. The beginnings of sonnets tended to establish a place for the poem within the Petrarchan tradition, and the endings to emphasize their divergence from that tradition. In this way then the beginnings and endings of sonnets works to define the Love/hate relationship of the Elizabethan poet with Petrarch. Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542), a contemporary of Martin Luther and Henry VIII, first introduced Petrarchan love poetry into England. He was a frequent imitator of the foreign model and many of his sonnets are almost literal translations of the Italian. Wyatt felt no obligation to confine himself to the strict Italian form in ... ...e sestet gives the impression that the poet/lover adores her voice in spite of the fact that it’s less pleasing than music, and that she surpasses any goddess or angel in her merely human beauties and the approachability of her common creature hood. The concluding couplet frees twentieth century women from feeling they need to look like a Barbie doll. True affection loves you the way you are. Knowing I too get bad breath and walk on solid ground, I am glad my husband shares Shakespeare’s attitude. Works Cited Jordan, Constance and Carroll, Clare editors. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., New York, 1999 Maclean, Hugh and Prescott, Anne Lake editors. Edmund Spenser’s Poetry. W.W. Norton and Company, New York, 1968 Wilson, John Dover. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Cambridge University Press, London, 1980

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Voluntary Testing for Pregnant Women Essay -- Pregnancy Birth Papers

Voluntary Testing for Pregnant Women During the past decade, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has become a leading cause of mortality among women. This population is now accounting for the most rapid increase in cases of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in recent years. As the numbers of cases of HIV infection have increased among women, particularly of childbearing age, increasing numbers of children have become infected as well. "Various studies conducted to date indicate that between 1/4 and 1/3 of infants born worldwide to women infected with HIV have become infected with the virus themselves" (HIV InSite, 1997). This is due to the route of transmission known as vertical transmission, from mother to infant. Thus, HIV infection has now also become a leading cause of mortality among young children, and virtually all of these infections can be attributed to vertical transmission. More than 4 million American women get pregnant each year, an estimated 8,000 of them HIV infected. (USA Today, 1999) HIV can be transmitted from an infected woman to her unborn fetus or newborn during pregnancy, during labor and delivery, and even during the postpartum period via breastfeeding. "Reports show vertical transmission rates ranging from 13% to 40%" (HIV InSite, 1995b). This translates into approximately 1,000-2,000 HIV-infected infants being born each year in the United States. Although transmission of HIV to a fetus can occur as early as the second month of development, research suggests that at least one half of vertically transmitted infections from non-breastfeeding women occur shortly after or during the birth process (HIV InSite, 1995a). Due to the seriousness of vertical transmission, there have been ... ...d the Physician-Patient Relationship." AIDS & Ethics. Ed. Reamer, Frederic G. New York: Columbia UP, 1991: 188-214. "PHS Guidelines for HIV Counseling and Voluntary Testing for Pregnant Women." Factsheet Public Health Service. CDC. July 1995. (Article, HIV InSite, "Public Health Service Task Force Recommendations for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant Women Infected with HIV-1 for Maternal Health and for Reducing Perinatal HIV-1 Transmission in the United States." MMWR Reports, Vol. 47, January 30, 1998: No. RR-2. (Article, HIV InSite, "US Public Health Recommendations for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Counseling and Voluntary Testing for Pregnant Women." US Department of Health & Human Services—Public Health Service. July 7, 1995. (Article, HIV InSite,

Friday, October 11, 2019

Write Feature Story

What Are Feature Stories? Feature stories are human-interest articles that focus on particular people, places and events. Feature stories are journalistic, researched, descriptive, colorful, thoughtful, reflective, thorough writing about original ideas. Feature stories cover topics in depth, going further than mere hard news coverage by amplifying and explaining the most interesting and important elements of a situation or occurrence. Feature stories are popular content elements of newspapers, magazines, blogs, websites, newsletters, television broadcasts and other mass media.While journalists reporting late-breaking hard news don't have enough preparation time and copy length to include much background and description, writers of features have the space and time to evoke imagery in their stories and fill in details of the circumstances and atmosphere. A feature story is not meant to report the latest breaking news, but rather an in-depth look at a subject. Feature articles range fro m the news feature that provides sidebar background to a current event hard news story, to a relatively timeless story that has natural human interest.Features generally are longer than hard-news articles because the feature penetrates deeper into its subject, expanding on the details rather than trying to concentrate on a few important key points. In hard news stories, often referred to as inverted pyramid style, the reporter makes the point, sets the tone, and frames the issue in the first paragraph or two. In a feature story, on the other hand, the writer has the time and space to develop the theme, but sometimes postpones the main point until the end. The whole story does not have to be encapsulated in the lead. Typical typesThere are many kinds of feature stories. Here are some popular types: Human Interest: The best-known kind of feature story is the human-interest story that discusses issues through the experiences of another. Profiles: A very common type of feature is the pr ofile that reveals an individual's character and lifestyle. The profile exposes different facets of the subject so readers will feel they know the person. How-To: These articles help people learn by telling them how to do something. The writer learns about the topic through education, experience, research or interviews with experts.Historical Features: These features commemorate important dates in history or turning points in our social, political and cultural development. They offer a useful juxtaposition of then and now. Historical features take the reader back to revisit an event and issues surrounding it. A variation is the this date in history short feature, which reminds people of significant events on a particular date. Seasonal Themes: Stories about holidays and the change of seasons address matters at specific times of a year. For instance, they cover life milestones, social, political and cultural cycles, and business cycles.Behind the Scenes: Inside views of unusual occup ations, issues, and events give readers a feeling of penetrating the inner circle or being a mouse in a corner. Readers like feeling privy to unusual details and well kept secrets about procedures or activities they might not ordinarily be exposed to or allowed to participate in. Non-fiction stories Feature stories are journalistic reports. They are not opinion essays or editorials. They should not be confused with creative writing or works of fiction. The writer's opinions and attitudes are not important to the story.The writer keeps herself or himself out of the story. Writing in the third person helps maintain the necessary distance. Telling stories Hard news stories report very timely events that have just occurred. Feature stories, on the other hand, are soft news because they are not as timely, not as swiftly reported. Feature writers have the extra time to complete background research, interviews and observation for their stories. Here are some suggestions for polishing featu re writing skills and developing an eye for feature story ideas.Feature stories give readers information in a pleasing, entertaining format that highlights an issue by describing the people, places, events and ideas that shape it. Feature stories are really more like nonfiction short stories than hard news stories. While there should a news peg for the existence of a story at a particular time, the immediacy of the event is secondary in a feature story. In fact, sometimes there is no immediate event. The power of a feature story lies in its ability to amplify the focus on an issue through first-rate story telling, irony, humor, human appeal, atmosphere and colorful details.Features have a clear beginning, middle and end and are longer than hard-news stories. Gathering data Journalists use three tools to gather information for stories: observation, interview and background research. After completing these, the writer brings the story to life through colorful description, meaningful a necdotes and significant quotes. These elements are obtained when interviewing and observing by jotting down everything encountered – smells, noises, colors, textures, emotions, details seen and heard in the surroundings. The journalist keeps an open mind while interviewing subjects and researching sources.The writer avoids steering the story or imposing personal ideas on the sources. The writer avoids deciding on the theme of the story until sufficient information has been gathered to show a direction or point of view. Story format The information in a feature is organized differently from hard news stories. Sometimes a writer uses several paragraphs of copy at the outset to engage the reader before getting on with the main elements of the story. After the title and opening paragraph grab a reader, narrative hooks are used to persuade the reader to continue reading.These hooks are attractive story elements such as action, mystery, drama or appealing characters intended to pu ll the reader forward through the story. They are complex narratives that come to life through colorful description, meaningful anecdotes and significant quotes. In hard news stories, the reporter makes the point, sets the tone, and frames the issue in the first paragraph or two. In feature stories, the whole story does not have to be encapsulated in an inverted pyramid lead. The writer can develop the storyline in a variety of ways and choose to postpone the main point until later in the copy or even the end.A writer can choose to tell the story out of order to engage the reader's interest. A story could begin with a dramatic moment and, once the reader is curious, the story could flash back to the history needed to understand it. A story-within-a-story could be used with a narrator in the outer story telling the inner story to satisfy the curiosity of readers. A storyline could alert readers that the story began in a way that seemed ordinary, but they must follow it to understand what happened eventually. As with any news reporting, feature stories are subject to the journalistic standards of accuracy, fairness and precision.The quality of a story is judged on its content, organization and mechanics. Features writers use The Associated Press Stylebook for correct journalistic style. How long are these articles? Newspaper features often are 500 to 2500 words in length. Magazine features usually are 500 to 5,000 words. Features on websites and blogs generally range from 250–2500 words, but hard drive space is relatively inexpensive so the length could vary dramatically through the use of non-linear hyperlinking of content. Any medium might use a shorter or longer story than usual, depending on its perceived value.Attention spans seem to grow ever shorter so brevity is valued. More than ever, all writing today needs to be clear and concise. Illustrations Every story is illustrated, usually with one or more photographs, but the art can be drawings, painti ngs, sketches, video or machinima, colorful graphs and charts, or other creative expressions depending on the medium for which the feature is packaged for dissemination. Is this just for print journalists? As newspapers and other print media face stiffer competition today from Internet news media, more feature stories are published because they can be more engaging to read.Wire services, such as the Associated Press and reuters, which once distributed mostly hard news, now send feature stories to members. Public relations professionals frequently write feature articles. For instance, a company newsletter story profiling employees voluntarily helping the local community could benefit employees and their families as well as the firm's stockholders. Or a profile of a corporate CEO could be released to media when the firm makes news. Broadcast journalists use human interest stories, profiles, historical pieces, seasonal packages, behind the scenes revelations and even how-to description s.These can be seen and heard everywhere in television and radio news. A typical television news package includes an edited set of video clips for a story narrated by a reporter following a written script. Unlike a magazine article, for example, the TV feature story also will have audio, video, graphics and video effects. A news anchor with an over-the-shoulder graphic will be seen reading a lead-in introduction before the package is aired and concluding the story with additional information called a tag.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Argumentative Essay: Women Are Better Politician Than Men

There is a mindset in the current society that men make better politicians than women. In fact, that statement is not true. Women make good politicians too, some are even better than men in many aspects. Women politicians make better politicians because they compromise better, are more trustworthy and cooperative, plus they are more strong-minded as compared to men. One of the best example is Christine Lagarde the first female Minister of Economic Affairs in a G8 economy which is the governments of eight of the world's largest economies(Christine Lagarde, pars. 3).She is also voted as the world's 9th most powerful woman according to Forbes magazine. Women politicians have a more compromising and friendly nature than men. This ultimately becomes a highly useful political tool for political campaign. They tend to face difficult situations with a calm attitude. For example, Ms. Indra Gandhi, the first female prime minister in India chose a peaceful way to rule her country. When her coun try was at war with Pakistan in 1971, she signed the treaty of friendship and cooperation with Pakistan to avoid financial hardship and instability in her country (Palekar, pars.  2-5).Thus, resulting a stable economy in India. She ruled her country effectively by getting moral support from all the ministers and maintaning good relationship with the other countries which helped in the economic growth of India. This would not have happened without her compromising and friendly nature. Aside from that, female politicians also are more cooperative and trustworthy than men. Research shows, women are more skilled at making people work together.This is because women are better at communicating with each other during work, they implement successful strategies thereby achieving higher results. On the other hand, men tend to excel more at bamboozling and cheating. This is proven by the studies of Rolf Kuemmerli and colleagues by repeating a game called Prisoner's Dilemma. This game involve s two people, they need to cooperate with each other to obtain a win-win situation. Studies shows that men do not cooperate as well as women because women have a better ability to interact and comprehend messages that one is trying to deliver (Highfield, pars.  5-11).In addition, women are found to be more trustworthy than men. This statement is proven by Professor Roger Steare using the â€Å"Moral DNA† test by measuring a person's morality and changes in their value system when they enter the workplace. According to results, women have more moral values , proving that they are more trustworthy (Knight, pars. 3-5). Making them better politicians. Besides that, scientists claimed that male politicians are more decisive than female politicians (Men more decisive, pars. 5-9) .However, that doesn't mean that female politicians are not good at making decisions. In fact, female politician are less decisive but more strong-minded than men as they consider their decision thoroughl y before finalizing. Before making a desicion, they examine the consequences towards an individual, society and the country and seek for a win-win solution. They search for long-term solutions by using retention strategies as a way to improve the results. Thus, they have the capacity to be more balanced in decision-making.Not only that, women are more precautious and they tend to make less mistakes in their work. This is because women always think twice and recheck their work before completing the final touches. This indirectly proves that women are better politicians than men. In my opinion, women politicians make better politicians because they compromise better, are more trustworthy and cooperative, plus they are more strong-minded as compared to men. They have more good aspects when compared to men. Thus, women are better politicians than men.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Business Ethics and Hospitality

Under the continual changing environment in petitive business, organisations are always r mended to e up with several advanced avenues to stay ahead in respective sectors. The invention goals are always encouraged for the business organisations, in order to achieve sustainable growth in the petitive markets. The goals of the managers in the hospitality and tourism sector are involved with responding to the collaborative relationships locally. However, many organisations are there to consider environmental values as the keys to their successes in modern era hospitality business. Dubai is mainly in the tropical climate that is predominantly based on desert area. Dubai has been suffering from the carbon footprint and this country uses large natural resources. The process of urbanisation creates environmental issues, however, they face scarcity in water, food and building materials. This study has focused on these issues analytically through the activities of Grandiose Resorts and SPA, a widely acknowledged hospitality centre in UAE. R mendations have been given at the end regarding environmental issues of Grandiose Resorts and SPA and an overall conclusion has been provided in the final section. Grandiose Resorts and SPA is working on hospitality sector and this resort has 250 rooms that contain 1 presidential suite in main building and 2 royal presidential suites that provide bird view and tiger enclosure. This resort includes 50 deluxe rooms and 197 superior rooms. This resort is 20 floors in main building and it is located on Jumeirah beach road, UAE. This resort has the features of 2 restaurants, roof top bar with organic herb garden with a butterfly garden. There is pools and game room in the hotel. This resort has the special facility of hunting which is not real and the people can have experience of private beach. The hospitality industry is largely based on the ethical and cultural resources and the hospitality industry engages interacting with the natural system. The practitioners of hotel industry use to ascertain the importance of implementing the ethics and keep developing them to ensure the improvement goals for the hospitality sector. As per the discussion of Collins (2012), tourism has emerged as one of the top industries in last few years. This industry has driven up the global economic growth radically and increased diverse opportunities for the practitioners. With the development of this industry, countries around the world had been able to take part in it either as the source market or as the tourist destination. However, the entire industry is usually operated within a plex environment. This plex environment is often found endorsing negative environmental and social impacts for the businesses. Grandiose Resorts and SPA is a widely recognised tourist destination in UAE, which is visited by numerous people every year. It has earned major acclamations in the petitive markets of his sector and has flourished globally. Grandiose Resorts and SPA has acknowledged the environmental considerations into their ethical values, which have provided them a r mendable goodwill in the market. The energy saving policies they endorsed at their restaurants, bar roof top or all along the hotel property have let them contribute to society at major scale. People within the society have also acknowledged their contribution widely, which had given them a massive drive in the petitive market. Grandiose Resorts and SPA has enabled an advanced waste management system in their organisation, which have again brought them extensive customer loyalty. They have addressed an advanced technology to extract fertilisers from waste food and also recycle them to produce foods for the fishes, animals or the birds inside the hotel. It has been considered as a major step to save the natural resources. The hospitality industry has also expressed their major concern on the animal and aqua lives as well, which had brought them enormous goodwill from the nature lovers along with the conservators (Talib, Rahman & Qureshi, 2012). These moral issues have led them much ahead in the business in parison to their petitors. According to Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell (2012), Grandiose Resorts and SPA has played a major role in saving the aqua live by installing a grand tank for the fishes in their resort. They have also propagated public awareness on the aqua lives, and other sea animals which had pr ovided them with a massive plight in moral consideration issues. Ethical decision-making approaches are highly prioritised in this modern era of hospitality business. Most of the organisations in this sector have enabled their management to follow the guidelines of ethical considerations in order to sustain in the petitive markets for long-term. Most of the decision-making methodologies in the hospitality sector are based on two fundamental approaches, such as Deontology and Teleology. The approaches in the decision-making methodologies of the managements of the business organisations are liable to lead the loyalty through a large-scale consumer satisfaction (Hartman & DesJardins, 2011). Grandiose Resorts and SPA has enabled both these principles in action while ensuring their decision-making methodologies. This organisation has considered all the needful actions under considerations related to the principles of Deontology and Teleology. However, they are not limited to implicate the service options only, they also have aligned them with the present scenario of the business. They have considered diverse factors under control, such as environment, marketing, and people. These factors had been found liable to address the fundamental needs of this sector from the large groups of consumers. Grandiose Resorts and SPA has addressed another framework to be considered in their ethical decision-making process, which were proved as highly effective for the growth of their business. They have followed a Venn diagram that is liable to consider all the needful factors in action. According to Easterby-Smith, Thorpe, & Jackson (2012), ensuring all these three responsibilities in action provide the opportunities to the hospitality organisations to gain massive loyalty among the consumers in a society. Figure 1: Venn diagram of Corporate Social Responsibility (Source: Hooley, Wellens, & Marriott, 2012) The ethical responsibilities followed by Grandiose Resorts and SPA, under the Venn diagram, had considered several environmental issues. They have planned fruitful designs to save the marine lives and conserve them for the benefits of mankind. They have also encouraged the waste management system that is liable to preserve the natural resources and save them from pletes exhaustion. This has been recognised as a major step from their end, mostly in the context of UAE, where the natural resources are being exhausted rapidly due to the rich lifestyles of their residents. The Legal Responsibilities of Grandiose Resorts and SPA have insisted them to follow all the Government rules and regulations. They have ensured all the Corporate Social Responsibilities in their organisation and kept checking them with care. They always tried to imply them into their decision-making policies (Rettab, Brik & Mellahi, 2009). Organisations in Hospitality sector are always liable to earn the maximum profits from their marketing, as it has already been recognised as the most revenue generating industry across the world. They are also liable to provide the highest levels of services to their guests and maintain them always to achieve sustainability in the market. However, in the argumentative words of Politis et al. (2009), managers from this sector often confront massive issues related to the ethical considerations. As per the discussion of Burchell & Cook (2006), the hospitality industry has been found as the major responsible for the negative impacts of the environment. This industry is believed to have frightening consequences over the environmental issues. However, the recent environmental considerations addressed by most of the organisations have changed the perception radically. In most of the cases, the ethical considerations from these organisations have empowered the environmental sustainability effectively. It not only has encouraged the managements to earn more customer loyalty through this, however, it also has allowed them, to meet their financial expectations as well. In the words of Katsioloudes & Brodtkorb (2007), the successful implications of ethical considerations have allowed the organisations to bring an environmental sustainability issues in forth. Grandiose Resorts and SPA has also approved these considerations as beneficial enough for their financial expectations and cons umer trustworthiness.   Grandiose Resorts and SPA has played a major role for the environmental causes and enabled promising actions in energy saving policies. As per their reviews, the hospitality sectors are mostly responsible for the damages in nature as they ruin the biodiversity massively. They find themselves responsible enough for exhausting the natural resources rapidly along with the water resources. Grandiose Resorts and SPA has coined these issues and grudges from the perspectives of the social people. They have always considered these obligations carefully while planning their policies of corporate social responsibilities. Hotel industry provides or contributes largely impact on the environment and this industry is trying to improve the condition at the regional or local context. Grandiose Resorts And SPA produces daily various hazardous products that are liquid, gas, powder, solid or dust particles. These products are not healthy at all. On the other side, non-hazardous products that are non-toxic es out from resorts. These products mingle with sea water and pollute the water. The waste disposal is increasing day-by-day. Grandiose Resorts and SPA can try to manage this with recycling projects. As stated by (Alonso & Csaba, 2012), these toxic and non-toxic products are harmful to both human and animals. Birds are facing issues from the polluted water. Not only water, air is polluted with the hospitality industry. The waste from the hospitality sector gets higher with the advancement of time and these affect the environment directly or indirectly. In global basins, 920, 000 tonnes of food items are wast ed from which 75% food items can be eaten. In the case of Dubai, the cost of food that is wasted in UAE from the hospitality sector is estimated at a few billion per year. As the researches done in the recent time, it is clearly showed that hospitality sectors create the waste that is mostly from 90% of the UK citizens, 30% Americans citizens and 70% of Australian citizens. Plants, sea and animals of Dubai get affected of this place. Local animals in Dubai are Arabian fox, sand Gazelle, Arabian Tahr, Arabian Leopard, Hare and Spiny tailed lizard. This country has several sea animals like, Pelagic, Demersal Fish, the shallows, Khor Kalba etc. Several marine animals are there like, Sea turtles, sea sharks, whales and Dolphins. Dubai faces the issues undrinkable water and emissions of carbon di-oxide etc. In most of the cases, the fundamental idea of improving the social and environmental practices is involved with sustainability. Thus, they are often enabled in the market segmentation processes as well. This process always indicates at a collective form of services, through which organisations are liable to enhance their loyalty from both people and government perceptions. Grandiose Resorts and SPA has also taken several factors into consideration while designing their environmental practices. They have strategized several goals on the basis of their prof itability. However, most importantly they had succeeded to engage their shareholders and stakeholders in their environmental practices Pearce (2012). This consideration has brought them enormous success in the hospitality sector. Grandiose Resorts and SPA must follow Federal Law NO. (24) Of 1999 that is for the protection and Development of the Environment of UAE. The economic responsibilities have also been followed by Grandiose Resorts and SPA, which included several actions under consideration. They have implicated strategies to involve guests in the environmental practices while strategizing the CSR activities. They have also propagated public awareness policies while promoting their services. In the words of Hooley, Wellens, & Marriott (2012), appointing local people and training them to work under a workforce culture have benefited the local economic structures effectively. Dubai is a country which is clearly based on the energy of oil resources and the water and air of this place are affected of this. Moreover, in Dubai region where the Grandiose Resorts and Spa are located is nearby the sea as it is on Jumeirah beach. As this place is nearby the sea, the saline water is not healthy for a drink. It is very difficult to purify the sea water as the seawater is very saline. The sea water cannot be drunk and Dubai region is full of oil resources. Energy resources are the main economical standpoint for Dubai and financial support es from energy that is oil-resources. Grandiose Resorts and SPA generates a significant amount of waste that is organic and the hospitality centre can follow recycle option. In addition with this, this organisation can follow reducing the waste costs as it helps to develop reusable resources that e from the landfill.   Any sort of diversification within it may change their goals and conclude with a mere failure in the industry. Approaching towards the maximum number of consumers and providing them the best services are considered as the top priorities for them. However, they are also liable to follow their corporate social responsibilities as well. As stated by Fineman (2001), CSR activities are meant to be providing financial supports as well for the organisations through customer reliabilities. (Refer to Appendix) In Hospitality sector, most of the organisations are associated with the shareholders and stakeholders, who always expect value for their money. They are r mended to be learnt it extensively and convinced about the economic success through it. According to Gentile (2010), controlling the food waste and providing donations of food that have been wasted have allowed them to assure food preservations for the munity and poor people. This is a major advantage they have addressed in order to earn a major scale loyalty among the consumers. Grandiose Resorts and SPA has introduced the most effective tools for their energy consumption policies. One of them is known as the Energy Star Portfolio Manager, which is liable to provide the additional information about nature as well. The use of Centralised Room Management System (CRMS) in Grandiose Resorts and SPA has effectively controlled the air conditioning system. It has allowed them to prevent massive carbon emission caused by the uses of air conditions in the organisation. The use of Centralised Room Management System also helps the organisations to control lightning in the guest rooms. The use of occupancy sensor all along the guest rooms has reduced the overall electricity consumption. Using the LED lightning in the rooms has not only reduced the electricity consumptions, it has also reduced their costs up to 50% per month. Management of Grandiose Resorts and SPA has considered their ethical values with active manner. They have led their strategical movements to the ne xt levels from the conservative techniques. Grandiose Resorts can install a reflective roof with energy curtains in freezer rooms with SAS switched to LED lights as the cost of $2,307 and with the savings of the first year would be high. The technique of solar panel can be taken that reduces the cost of electricity with giving natural energy and heating. mercial fuel cell system can give Grandiose Resorts and SPA a domestic hot water that is more efficiently than electricity. They have also focused on saving the water resources and enabled recycling policies to save the other natural resources. Grandiose Resorts and SPA has coined an extensive range of trustworthiness among the global travellers, who are highly concerned about the natural resources.   Recycling the wastage foods for the animals and produce substances from them for the animals along with the aquatic lives has also provided them with a massive success from environmental perception. Reusing the attributes and other materials for the guests along with the employees have also reduced the consumption of natural resources. The organisation can recycle the food scraps with bulk waste that contain intensive liquid fertiliser. Enabling recycle technologies in the organisations have allowed them to enjoy a r mendable position in the hospitality business sector. They have focused on contributing towards the natural resources and conserve them for the future generations. They have found these techni ques fruitful enough in their economic growth as well, which have encouraged them to introduce several other actions, such as wide solar scales, mercial fuel power system, refillable amenity dispenser, megawatt system, soil moisture system, rainwater harvesting systems, and aerators. Grandiose Resorts and SPA can ensure several actions under their ethical considerations, which included energy management policies for the future generations, water management policies for preservation, and waste management policies for recycling. Grandiose Resorts and SPA can use laundry equipment that has microprocessor with the controlling system, they can implement an ozone system with installing waterless urinals in public and employee restrooms and bathrooms. In the roof, Grandiose Resorts and SPA, they can   use rain gauge for watering the organic garden and they can use soil moisture for pouring water to butterfly garden. Harvesting water that has saved in rain and bio-retention basin can be helpful. Reusing the guest linen and their towels saves the energy and water for the organisations. Water is an issue mostly in Dubai, Grandiose Resorts and SPA can use Aerators on all the place in public and hotel places that helps to reduce the use of water consumption by 40%. Grandio se Resorts and SPA need to maintain the pool where water leaks and waste most water. Moreover, Grandiose Resorts and SPA can distribute 2 types of bins for waste management to the local munities to provide support to the government’s reunification policies such as, plastic, waste. They can use green waste bins for recyclable waste and black for non-recyclable products. Tourism biodiversity conservation in hospitality is one of the important aspects of conservation of animals, birds and plants altogether. Conservation and biodiversity are significant for the corporate social responsibility. Nature conservation is important in Dubai and hospitality industry should look into this. Grandiose Resorts and SPA needs to focus on their CSR activities and enabled their workplaces to follow them effectively. They have encouraged several ethical and moral considerations in their workplaces in order to gain the desired reputation from the global tourists. The proper implications of CSR activities have provided them with a massive loyalty in this sector. Besides, they have also succeeded to gain desired trustworthiness from the government officials and nature conservationists. Under the moral and ethical considerations, they have also insisted their shareholders and stakeholders follow all the guidelines of their environmental practices and CSR activities carefu lly. It is really hard for an organisation to convince them to conduct the CSR activities and consider the ethical values in action. Biodiversity is associated with the ecological processes and it is associated with the human needs. The policy that can be taken by Grandiose Resorts and SPA is reducing the cycling, soil management, purification of water and providing pure oxygen. This system can regulate the climate and manage the air. Corporate Social Responsibilities are considered as one of the most popular terms of modern era hospitality business. Organisations in the hospitality sector are always liable to follow them with proper ethical and moral considerations. Grandiose Resorts and SPA evaluate their ethical and moral standpoints that indicated towards conducting operations without harming the others. This study has tried to analyse all the factors that enhance these considerations. This study has also focused on the issues, which are liable to influence the ethical considerations for the organisations in this sector. The financial expectation goals are also addressed in this study with respect to the implication of environmental considerations. Grandiose Resorts and SPA has provided major evidence in regards to their environmental and social considerations, which have allowed the study to r mended further actions to the organisations. Alonso, M. J., & Csaba, N. S.   (2012).  Nanostructured biomaterials for ove ing biological barriers  (No. 22). Royal Society of Chemistry. Blowfield, M., & Murray, A. (2008). Corporate responsibility: A critical introduction. Oxford University Press. Burchell, J. (2008). 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