Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managed crisis public relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managed crisis public relations - Essay Example audiences for this plan include the government, customers, employees, stakeholders, the media, regulatory bodies, the affected passenger and his family, as well as the national public. The crisis communications plan seeks to deliver a specific message to each of the above audiences. The plan seeks to reassure the audience of the company’s commitment to working on resolving the issue of promoting the safety of passengers and providing them with remarkable transportation services. The company will rely on the principle of prompt communication as well as providing constant updates concerning the situation. The company seeks to reassure the government, its customers, and the public of its commitment to promoting high levels of safety. The company will also update the public on the progress of the affected passenger and the measures taken to compensate him. The spokesperson will exhibit high levels of confidence and remain accurate concerning the incident to ensure that the public does not have speculations. The company will rely on different forms of media to communicate effectively. There is a salient need for the company to identify a crisis communications team that will take charge of all the communication processes concerning the recent event. The formation of the crisis communications team should take place with immediate effect because there is an urgent need to provide the government, our customers, as well as the public with information. Crisis communications team should identify a reliable spokesperson and develop a communications policy that all the members of the staff must obey. The crisis communications team will exhibit immediate response by notifying the management team of the company concerning the recent incident. Moreover, the team will develop proper media alerts and call for a press conference that will allow the identified spokesperson to give detailed information to the public and the government. The crisis communications team will review the

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