Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Culture Through Generations :: essays papers

Culture Through GenerationsThis essay will explain how I learned culture through generations of my family. The first thing I noticed when analyzing my chart is that there has been considerable migration through generations of my family. My family came from Europe to Central America , because they had do investments there which was their initial ground for leaving Spain. My parents generation left Central America for political reasons which lead them to financial disaster. Opportunity, can be said is the reason why generations of my families have lived in the Americas. Cultural values in my family are still rooted to those which exist in Spain. When they first came to the Americas , they moved to a genuinely close nit European community. This is what set a precedent for cultural values and family through the passing down of European traditions from generation to generation. In the neighborhoods where my parents grew up it make a difference what your name was, so it was impo rtant to inter-marry between people of the same class and on the same cultural level. This also meant that your surnames created support ne devilrks which created a financial backbone for the family .This in turn is lead to not what Id call a pre- arranged marriage but a apocalyptic marriage. That means your parents would suggest to you that a certain person from a certain family would be a suitable mate because of their family and background. This was common practice in my parents community. These kinds of marriages were accepted by previous generations because of a respect of your parents opinions, and because of the tight nit family structure. These traditions have been passed down form generation to generation, with exception to the American generation of my family. This also meant my family had expectations of each deliver the goods generation.Every generation was insisted upon having a college degree, it was completely unacceptable to not have a college education in my family. This particular culture and society was lived by two generations of my family. When communism came to power my parents needed to leave the country because all of their possessions were seized by the poor rebellious communists. Communism was also not parents political affiliation so they chose to come to America for opportunity and freedom.

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