Monday, May 27, 2019

Ethical Leadership Essay

IntroductionThe topic Ethical lead is more complex than aches the eye. It means leaders that knows what is right and acting based on those guidelines. The question that should be asked then is what is right? Once the estimable course of action is determined the leader essential then have the integrity and fortitude to proceed with that course of action. In addition to decision making honorable leading also implies that a leader must be ethical in their attitudes and interactions. This essay seeks to inform about the practice of ethical leaders and its value to an organizationThe Practice of Ethical LeadershipIn order to understand the practice of Ethical Leadership it must be broken down to its constituent terms Leadership and Ethics. Leadership is defined as a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others to accomplish a car park task (Chemers, 1997). Ethical leadership is when the leader demonstrates integrity and trustworthiness to convince employees to buy his vision (Dirks & Ferrin, 2002). In order to demonstrate his integrity and trustworthiness the ethical leader is a people-oriented person (Resick, et. al, 2006) who motivates people towards accomplishing the goals of the group instead of personal benefit. Ethical leader must look within himself and upon reliable sources for guidance in determining what is ethical. Laws, Culture, Religion, and even personal upbringing can be sources of the framework for ethical leadership. The reason why the sources are so varied is because the right in doing what is right is not always fixed in stone. While some ethics are immutable, much(prenominal) as lying to a business teammate or stealing company materials, other are less so.For example, dissent or talking back to superiors is strictly taboo inOriental cultures however it calm disagreement is tolerated in western organizations. In order to have a clear set of ethical guidelines it is often preferable to have know n company ethical standards. These standards can often be gleaned from a companys mission vision statement. But it would be best practice if they were intelligibly spelled out and publicly available. Means of publication can include printing with the company handbook and / or placing copies of company ethics in frequented areas such as the pantry or reception.By making the ethical standards clear and ubiquitous it will be difficult for leaders to derogate from them without consequences. The practice of ethical leadership requires that the leader adheres to the ethical standards of the company at all times even when no one is looking. If the leader is unable to follow ethical practices and his subordinates learn of this he will be viewed as a hypocrite and his attempts to impose ethical leadership will fall on deaf ears. A leaders integrity must be beyond reproach if he is to expect his subordinates to follow his example.Value of Ethical Leadership to an OrganizationRecent events li ke the Enron scandal, the Sub-prime owe crisis, and the financial meltdown that followed are just a few examples of what happens in the absence of ethical leadership. In those circumstances the desire for profits overpowered ethical considerations. Of special noteworthiness was that during the sub-prime crisis people who were likely not responsible enough to make housing loans were pressured to contract such loans by predatory leaders who were merely trying to meet their quota. Then the Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) were sold to a public that was not sophisticated enough to understand what the CDOs really were. Enron was scandalized beyond repair. The largest banks in America continue to bear the bulls eye of the subprime crisis. Their brands have been permanently afflicted.Had their leadership been ethical then they would not have consented to such actions. A reputation for integrity and ethical leadership can scarcely build up an organizations brand. Known ethical act s can also increase the popularity of a brand in the eyes of the public such as when Costco pays its workers better than minimum wages. On a more down to earth level an ethical leader is respected by his subordinates and will be better able to coax performance from them. Subordinates are less likely to do unethical acts if theirleaders are ethical. Hence, even just one ethical leader in the chain of command can have a ripple effect upon his fellow workers.ConclusionIn conclusion ethical leadership is difficult because knowing the right and ethical course of action is difficult. Worse, the temptation to take the expedient or easy path that is unethical can be very strong. The lucrative and unethical is always an attractive choice for anyone engaged in business. But an ethical leader can have a multiplier factor effect upon his organization and help build its reputation to those around it.ReferencesChemers M. (1997) An integrative theory of leadership.Dirks, K. T., & Ferrin, D. L. (2 002). Trust in leadership Meta-analytic findings and implications for research and practice. In Journal of apply Psychology, 87, 611- 628. Resick, C. J., Hanges, P. J., Dickson, M. W., & Mitchelson, J. K. (2006). A cross-cultural examination of the endorsement of ethical leadership in Journal of Business Ethics, 63, 345-359.

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