Monday, November 25, 2019

Policy, Team, and Information Technology Differences

Policy, Team, and Information Technology Differences Research carried out shows that internet use contributes greatly to the success of an organization. It connects employees hence enhancing the success of an organization, for instance, survey carried on the department of labor showed that use of internet contributed 65% of the annual hires. However, with availability of the internet, majority of the employees alongside with numerous contractors need appropriate controls over the use of the internet to prevent cases of improper use of the internet in the department or an organization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Policy, Team, and Information Technology Differences specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Internet guidelines The internet use guidelines at the departmental level need to have some similarity with the guidelines used at the organizational level. This is because; departments as well as organizations have one goal in common, success. Therefore, application of or ganizational guidelines in the running of a department will enhance its success, this is because many organizations success is entitled to the following of their set guidelines. Employee’s responsibility However, it is the responsibility of the employees and other staff members within the department to ensure that they have followed the internet guidelines to the latter. This is because; they are the ones who get access to the daily occurrences within the department that dictate for accuracy and validity. In addition to employees and the staff members contributing to the success of the department, their right decisions enhance accuracy of the exchanges that take place within the department. On the other hand, failure of the employees and the staff members in complying with the set guidelines may lead to regrettable disciplinary action. Factors to consider when forecasting the value of a news of information system services include local area network that links a diversity of c omputers in a given area through a networking system to enhance effective communication. Information system is so essential in the current technological world; this is because it enhances competitiveness among employees hence enabling organizations overcome competition. (Laudon, K. C., Laudon, J. P. 2008). Information system also plays a crucial role in uplifting the daily revenue of an organization through the internet researches carried. In addition, the current management of many organizations relay on the information systems in making amicable decisions concerning the running of an organization. Currently advertisements made through the internet also contribute greatly to the success of many organizations. However, the main objectives of information systems in organizations are operational fineness, production of new products and offering of best services, customer and supplier understanding, advanced decision making, having a competitive advantage, and survival of an organizat ion. (McNurlin et al, 2008). Military health care system Military health care is an organization that provides health care to the retired army together with their dependants in the United State. It is made up of five entities namely, TRICARE Management Activity, Medical elements of the army, Health issues, Navy, and the Air force that team to enhance its success. (Glaser Wager, 2009).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The key objective of the military health care system is to keep the health of the military personnel in good condition for them to carry out military roles in the state. Military health care system also provides medical assistance to the military forces during wartimes. For military health care system department to meet its policy of maintaining the health of military officers in good condition, it enrolls its entities into offices that team up to carry out military health functions. Office of defense controlling health issues oversees medical missions recommended for the department of defense. It does this by having interconnection communication within the department. Apart from HA subjecting strategies, processes, and customaries for TRICARE, playing a crucial role in developing MHS schemes to advance the eminence of healthcare crosswise the department of defense, it also carries the role of preparing department of defense healthcare budget. TRICARE Management is an office under m ilitary healthcare system that uses both military health care system and the civilian network in providing services to retired militaries and their relatives. Unlike HA, TRICARE Management certain the implementation of the DoD healthcare strategy have been carried out effectively, constantly, and proficiently across the MHS. In addition, TRICARE Management oversees the success of its programs. On the other hand, both HA and TRICARE Management work together to implement and control healthcare strategies and agendas within the department of defense. The office of medical elements of the services contributes to the success of the MHS by deploying persons, training and equipping them with enough knowledge to take control of the treatment facilities. Just as HA, the medical element office also maintains the medical workforce of the federal civilians through the implementation of the medical treatment facilities in its daily roles. In addition to enrollment and withholding, the medical se rvices endow individuals with education, headship trainings, and other educative programs to prop up MHS needs. (Glaser Wager, 2009). The office of the Air Force just as that of Medical services handles and authorizes medication of the military officers and their relatives in the field of military. They ensure this by not only making tracks on the medication process and services offered to the military officers, but also measuring the competence of the individuals offering the medication. On the other hand, enterprise information system that incorporates internet technology to the world of business to enhance the marketing movement has the role of providing leadership in information technology by supporting the goals of the organization. Apart from inputting much effort towards meeting the demands of customers and suppliers by providing appropriate services, enterprise information system also provides a diversity of information technology services for the departments that make an o rganization. In addition, enterprise information system ensures that information technology concepts fully sustain business processes. (Supplemental Resource American Psychological Association, 2010). However, unlike departmental information system made up of a team of offices within a single corporation, enterprise information system is made up multiple organizations comprising of suppliers, controllers and partners who team to make global organizations look like one entity through having holistic view. Suppliers in enterprise information system have the role of supplying goods and services to a diversity of organizations that make the enterprise. In a military health care, the suppliers carry the role of supplying medicinal and pharmaceutical products to a variety of military organizations to enhance the goal of military health care. On the other side, regulators in an enterprise information system take control of the daily movements of business within the organizations making up an enterprise. Partners play critical roles towards a given enterprise information system. These individuals contribute greatly to an enterprise by not only investing in them, but also participating in advising on the appropriate ways of governance. Enterprise information system being made of multiple organizations, its main goal in a health care organization is to involve a diversity of individuals regardless of military post via use of the networking system. In addition, unlike departmental information system, enterprise information-system services are provided by a variety of partners. Information technology Information technology is the incorporation of computers and software to manage information in a given organization. In organizations and departments, information technology is used to store information, protect information, process the information, transmit information in the right way, and retrieve information in the recommended way. (Luftman, 2004). There are differences b etween departmental information technology and enterprise information technology, for instance, departmental information technology carries all its roles by itself without incorporating other departments and organizations like enterprise information system. The input and output of data in departmental information is also so parochial compared to enterprise information system that is holistic in all its activities. In sum, the departmental information technology is rooted only to one organization making it optimized to only simple tasks. On the other hand, enterprise information technology, unlike departmental information technology deals with several orders of enormity making it more complex than departmental information technology. Enterprise information technology also manages the needs of diversity of users and functions in a systematic way that satisfies all individuals involved. Enterprise information technology coordinates many objectives, business deals and data sources withi n a given time in order to meet its goals. (McKeen Smith, 2009). Despite the many differences between the departmental and enterprise information technology within an organization, some measures if imposed may contribute to the reduction of the gap between the two. For instance, solving of the departmental and enterprise policy issue dictates for the use of department communication networks effectively. Through communications among employees from different departments and organizations, a lot will be gained in terms of innovation and advancement in the rate and magnitude of the services offered by employees. (Schiesser, 2010). In addition, the networking system also aids in interconnecting a variety of brains leading to the advancement of the policies set by a department. Therefore, it is essential for the department employees to link themselves with a diversity of other employees through the use of the departmental networking system and exchange ideas. In addition, employees need to explore what other departments do in order to enhance the success of an organization. (Filipe Cordeiro, 2011). In conclusion, success of many organizations has been linked to the appropriate use of technology. This is due to continuous change of the technological world that dictates for inclusion of technological materials in order to fit in the business competition. In addition, use of information technology has played a crucial role in enhancing amicable management of organizations in simple ways. Employees also gain a lot from the networking system hence enhancing their competitiveness within an organization. However, departmental information technology has to be advanced from relaying on simple activities to a diversity of functions in order to enhance the success of organizations. References Carr, N., John, B. Piot, J. (2007). The Executives Guide to Information Technology. New York: John Wiley Sons. Filipe, J. Cordeiro, J. (2011). Enterprise Information Systems: 12th In ternational Conference, ICEIS 2010, Funchal-Madeira, Portugal, June 8-12, 2010, Revised Selected Papers. New York. Springer. Glaser, J., Lee, F Wager, K. (2009). Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management. New York: John Wiley Sons. Laudon, K. C., Laudon, J. P. (2008). Management information systems: Managing the digital firm (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Luftman, J. N. (2004). Managing the information technology resource: Leadership in the information age. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. McKeen, J. D., Smith, H. (2009). IT strategy in action. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. McLaughlin, C. (2008). Networking Practitioner Research. New York: Taylor Francis. McNurlin, B. C., Sprague, R. H., Jr., Bui, T. (2008). Information systems management in practice (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Schiesser, R. (2010). IT systems management (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pren tice Hall. Supplemental Resource American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC

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