Friday, August 9, 2019

Caffeine psychostimulants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Caffeine psychostimulants - Essay Example One of the advantages of caffeine lies in its ability to cause the release of dopamine in the body leading to hyperactivity. The hyperactivity referred to in this case is not the activity found in hyperactivity disorder, but rather positive activity. The dopamine released activates the part of the brain associated with alertness and attention, as well as problem solving and pleasure (Russel, 2008). Because of this effect of caffeine, the body becomes hypersensitive to the environment around it and appreciation of the body needs. In this case, the capabilities of the brain are improved and increases as it acts as a stimulant all thanks to the activation of dopamine. The boost increases circulation around the body including the brain, where the brain increases even a larger amount of caffeine stimulation than the heart. It is through this dose of caffeine that it improves the mood of the caffeine consumer and allows one to think with enhanced precision and clarity (Gargulinski, 2011). In addition, caffeine contains numerous antioxidants that are crucial for the wellbeing of the human body in that they block the action of free radicals. The presence of these antioxidants in caffeine reduces the chances of developing cancer in a person, and in cases of cancer, its onset is usually delayed considerably. In the absence of caffeine, one remains susceptible to cancer due to free radicals that increase cell death and accumulation of the dead cells (Thompson and Keene, 2004). Other than this, caffeine is beneficial since it plays a crucial role in increasing the longevity of human life. In this case, increased consumption of caffeine increases the human lifespan, which is also caused by the antioxidants fond in caffeine. In addition, the risk of contracting Parkinson’s disease is reduced, especially when consumed for extended periods. One other advantage of consuming

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