Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Burgelman Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Burgelman Case Study - Essay Example Surveys and exploratory studies are examples of descriptive research designs, which are more quantitative than qualitative and have more aspects of this type of theory. Quantitative studies tend to rely on hard data and statistics that can provide generalizable results about a population, whereas qualitative studies could be more of a case example or subjective viewpoint. Bergemann's case study states having a qualitative method in place: â€Å"A qualitative method was chosen as the best way to arrive at an encompassing view of ICV project development has a ten- to twelve-yeartime horizon (Biggadike, 1979), and a truly longitudinal study was thus beyond the available resources† (Burgelmann, 2009). In terms of statistics, the single case study is not very representative. Another disadvantage in reference to flexible designs could be their lack of scientific credibility when compared to fixed designs using inferential statistics, which Burgelmann addresses explicitly as a possib le drawback. Of course, it is fitting at this level of research for authors to be forward with possible limitations of the study; however, this admission does not make the study more statistically or empirically viable, just because of this admission.   #2 Since this is a qualitative study, it tends to focus more on theory forming, rather than theory testing.

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