Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Scientific Method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Scientific Method - Essay Example To determine whether the hypothesis is correct, an experiment is designed. Any external factors that can affect the results should be minimized. This means, set-ups that do not contain the test variable (negative control) should be included so that the design is ensured to be not presenting any effectors other than the variable being tested. As well, a positive control is included so that it is ensured that the experimental method is capable of producing the result being tested (Carter, 2010). For this experiment, six set-ups will be made, with three replicates each. Replicates are important so that the outcomes cannot be attributed to chance. The more replicates having the same outcomes, the more established that data is. Experiments will begin when the sun rises, possibly around six in the morning. Thus, set-up will start minutes or hours before that Experimental Set-up For the first set-up, three 1 ft. Coleus plants will be placed outside, in the area where it can be maximally exposed to the sun. They will be placed beside one another. On the other hand, another three will be placed in a very dark room/closet that will only be opened after the experiment. For the third set-up, the upper half of the shoots, stems and leaves included, will be covered by aluminium foil, and for the fourth set-up, it is the lower half that will be covered. These six will be exposed to the sun together with the 1st set-up. For the fourth and fifth set-up, a lamp will be placed beside the left and the right side of plants, respectively. Experiment proper The plants will remain on their respective places from six in the morning to twelve in the afternoon. Hourly, specifically at 6 a.m. (start), 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m., 11 a.m., and 12 noon, pictures of the plants will be taken to observe and record any macroscopic changes in the growth of the plants. Then, the sho ots will be divided into four, first into top and bottom halves, and then to left and right. The same

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