Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Business and Political Trends in Japan and China Research Paper

Business and Political Trends in Japan and China - Research Paper Example   Among the biggest complaints that Japan’s trading partners have made over the years is that its domestic market is not as competitive as it should be. This assertion has been found to be true especially when one considers that the Japanese government is partly responsible for this lack of competition within its market. The Japanese government has adopted such hindering policies as the imposition of high tariffs as well as heavy regulations which have ensured that it is extremely difficult for other countries to conduct business within Japan (Mito & Sakurada, 2003). In addition, the extremely concentrated nature of the Japanese market has led to a situation where it is very difficult for companies from other countries to place their products within it which can effectively compete with domestic products; a factor which is essentially discouraging for foreign investors. It is mainly because of the abovementioned situations that it has become necessary for the Japanese govern ment to put in place those policies which not only encourage the deregulation of its markets but also works towards the development of stronger antitrust laws that aid all the businesses that operate within its economy. While it has been argued that the Japanese market is concentrated, this situation has come to be alleviated over the years as it has been reported that when compared to the market of the United States, the Japanese market has become less concentrated while that of the latter has essentially remained the same.   

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