Saturday, September 28, 2019

Content Comprehension and Analysis Task Assignment - 3

Content Comprehension and Analysis Task - Assignment Example To correct the problem, the manager ordered for modern production equipment to boost the quality of output. After one month of introducing the new production equipment, an upsurge in the quality of output was noticed. Charismatic leadership can be termed as the assumption of power by an individual through an impression of personality other than the external authority. The followers of a charismatic leader respect the leaders instructions based on character or appeal of the leader. In essence, it is difficult to give an exhaustive meaning of charisma. In simple terms charisma can be described as charm. The major influence of a charismatic leadership is the personality of the leader. Examples of charismatic leaders include politicians and religious leaders. Transformational leadership  may  be termed  as a leadership style where the leader impacts change in an organization through inspiration and working closely with the committed group of people in the organization. Unlike charismatic leadership, transformational leadership  is  based on the ability to deliver and not the leader’s personality. In a transformational leadership style, the employees will not follow the instructions of the leader because of personal attributes or charm. Instead, the employees will follow the leader’s instructions based on projected results. Transformational leadership inspires employees to be responsible for their daily tasks. Basically, transformational leadership is based on intellectual stimulation, idealized stimulus, and individual motivation and inspiration of employees. Introducing change in an organization is sometimes very challenging. It is usually difficult to bring change in leadership and among the employees. Some of the difficulties experienced when introducing change in employees and leadership include; personality differences, organizational structure, political pressure, seasonal

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