Thursday, September 26, 2019

Competency Training (Fire Service) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Competency Training (Fire Service) - Essay Example Fire fighters need up-to-date, comprehensive training materials to thoroughly prepare for any situation that may arise. The mission is to provide leadership to career and volunteer chiefs, chief fire officers, and managers of emergency service organizations through vision, information, education, services, and representation to enhance their professionalism and capabilities [2]. The main goal is that the firefighters in the operation department would execute their duties professionally, and with confidence, which would result in reduction of property loss and damage, subsequently re-instating stakeholder confidence in the Fire Department to carry out its mandate. One of the major challenges today to attain this goal is that a number of independent systems of training and education staggers fire service professionals. Besides, as the professional qualification series has grown, it is becoming increasingly difficult for firefighters or departments to find the necessary time to accomplish these levels of competency [3]. Efficient training systems are those that identify what they do well and take advantage of the strengths and opportunities provided by other systems to supplement their efforts. There should be a national system for fire service training and education because, as with other professions, a theoretical core of academic courses should be a prerequisite for entering these fields. The fire and emergency services should move towards becoming a full-fledged profession just like doctors, lawyers, nurses and other professions [4]. In theory providing emergency fire service is a ‘portable’ skill. Right now, there is no one un iversally recognized and reciprocal system to acquire the knowledge and skills required in the Fire and Emergency Services. The Fire Service training has important roles to play in the reform agenda. They should be re-modeled in order to be more effective. There is a need for

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